Know how to work while Studying Abroad, Graduation comes along

Fortunately, you do not have to select between good grades and working during your Abroad Education and you could have a better Overseas Education and some work experience on the side. In fact, many foreign students require holding some kind of job to cover their expenses. No worries, you could do this! Below are some of the best ways to work while Studying Abroad and they are as follows:

Part-time job while Studying Abroad

A part-time job is the best way to cover your Abroad Education expenses and depending on how well-paid the job is, you could earn some money as well. You could search flexible part-time jobs, which enable you to make your own schedule.

From working in campus, working in a call-center, waiting at bar tables, to being an assistant in a big company, a part-time job could offer a valuable experience. Consider part-time jobs in our choice of interested field, look for less obvious options, as these could be great learning experiences that could develop a set of skills.

As a foreign student, you are permitted to take part-time jobs for twenty hours per week during semesters (in many European nations).

Summer or winter vacation jobs while Studying Abroad

In many nations, you could work full-time for three months between educational years. The best thing regarding summer jobs is that you do not have to worry about the risks of job interfering with your Abroad Education. You need to focus on your job. Not to forget the perks of working at a holiday destination like holiday resorts or seaside.

Doing Internships while Studying Abroad 

Internships are perfect for beginning a great career in a prestigious firm that is linked to your Abroad Education interests. Little internships paid and offer you the prospect of getting recruited after concluding your internship. If not recruited, you would get good reference for future job prospects and make connections with people that may become your future job colleagues. Internships are perfect for anybody because you get to know better about the field you are looking to learn about.

Getting work placement while Studying Abroad 

A work placement is a way to get professional experience at a workplace. Many placements are offered by foreign universities as part of degree courses. Grades might rely on your concluded tasks during your work placement and you would probably require concluding a project and possibly progress reports as part of the placement.

Job placements, sometimes referred to as year placements, are normally taken between your second and final year at your Foreign University. Many of the big graduate recruiters advertise their placements from early autumn through to the spring.


Avail experience and industry links while helping the community. Depending on your foreign degree, volunteering Work Abroad could be more useful and supportive than a job. Volunteering work could help you understand social problems and you could contribute to solving at least some part of the problem. Your work would not only be highly valued, but you may come up with the innovative ideas and support associations or organizations that help prevent many social problems.

While doing volunteering work, you could meet individuals that could become credible contact individuals for future job recommendations or could one day become your employer. In various cases, Social Work Students decide to do volunteering work.

Doing Work shadowing while Studying Abroad

Spending time and observing many professional individuals within a firm. With holidays as the better time to undertake work shadowing, you get the opportunity to get the understanding for the type of work involved in a field. Work shadowing might be a unique chance for you to get experience at a place where experience positions are rare.

For instance, work shadowing work could open the doors to few highly popular and competitive areas like media and television, automotive industry and software applications. You would not see advertisers of work shadowing, you would always have to contact the company itself and negotiate the terms and conditions of work. Work Shadowing is same as apprenticeship, but it is less structured and difficult to find. During work shadowing work experience, you would have to ask queries related to anything you do not understand and sometimes figure out yourself what are the key secrets of the field you are observing.

Taking Insight Programs while Studying Abroad

Insight programs are mainly designed for first-year students, with an aim to offer an insight into the company and how they work behind the scenes. Insight program could last from one day to a week or sometimes for long period of time. An insight program could be an initial step in the application process for an internship and other job experience opportunities. Insight programs are extremely beneficial if they are related to assignment, research project or graduation paper you are working on.

While doing an insight program, you could have fun as you would attend presentations, workshops and get involved in surveys and other interactive games.

Become casual employee or freelancer while studying abroad

This is a very flexible arrangement of Overseas Job for you as an employee and for the organization as well. Although it used for short and sometimes for irregular periods, you could Work Abroad in a long-term arrangement. As a casual employee, you might be asked to work on a short notice and in many cases; you would be informed on a short notice when your work would no longer be required.

On the other hand, you would get paid extra for your working hours to compensate for not having clear arrangement or contract.  You could work from the comfort of your home, on a fixed and flexible schedule.  A work from home job is suitable when you got good internet connection. The biggest benefit is that you might Study Abroad somewhere, but you could work for your company. Many of the telecommunication jobs include editor, writer, data entry, customer service representative and virtual consultant.

Enhance your Resume with a Student Job

With the money you would earn, you could pay back some part of the student loan, pay for your tuition fees or any other expenses that many foreign students have. The benefits of working while Studying Abroad are normally great than the actual earning. You would become more responsible and disciplined individual, more self-confident, learn to spend money wisely and carefully and the work abroad experience would certainly turn out to look good on your CV.

Berlin – Best City for students

Study Abroad in German Top Universities

Students who Study Abroad can choose Berlin for their study destination. Students from all over the world come to study abroad in this modern city with a fascinating history. The city which is a favorite among students has a number of things to offer to students who come from all over the world to Study Abroad in Germany. We take a look at some of the reasons why Berlin is so popular among the students.

Berlin has many options for students

Berlin offers a number of options for students who wish to Study Abroad in the city. The Humboldt University, Technical University of Berlin, and the Free University of Berlin are among the top 100 Best Universities in the world. All the universities are home to many international students who come to Study Abroad in Germany.

Berlin is a happening city

Berlin is one of the youngest and most happening cities in the world. With the popularity of its universities, it is home to many youngsters who choose this city to study abroad in. The city has many bars and pubs where young graduate students can go for a night out, as well as a plethora of art galleries, museums and historically significant places for the culturally inclined. Students who are the outdoorsy types can opt for the vast green spaces all around the city. Also, students who Study Abroad will find that they have many peers of the same age as many students come from all over the world to experience Studying in Berlin. Most universities share their facilities, which allows students from different universities can meet each other, which ensures that you can make friends from all over the world

The cost of Study Abroad in Berlin is lower than most countries

Berlin is one of the most affordable cities in the first world. Students who come here from different countries to Study Abroad can enjoy the benefit of studying at highly discounted rates or at no cost at all. Keeping with Germany’s policy of providing university education for free at the university level, many universities in Berlin provide education free of cost or at highly discounted rates.

Students who Study in Berlin can travel free in most places

Another great advantage for students who Study Abroad in Berlin is that they can travel for free all through the city. Students can get a bus pass which they can use for travel from one place to another

Quality of life is amongst the best

Despite the low cost of living in Berlin, the quality of life in this city is amongst the best in the world. Students who Study Abroad in this city can enjoy clean wide roads with well-regulated traffic, continuous water and electricity, efficient waste and sanitation management, high-speed internet, pollution free environment, lots of greens spaces and Quality Health Care.

Another thing that makes Berlin such a great city for students is the sheer number of students. There are four public research universities and 27 private, professional and technical colleges. This means that the student population in Berlin is quite large and the high number of universities that share facilities means that you can meet students who study at other universities.

To know more about Studying in Berlin, and how you can apply to Study Abroad in Germany, get in touch with Global Tree the Best Overseas Education Consultancy in India.

UK’s proposed Immigration changes to benefit Overseas Students

Student Visa Eligibility for Overseas Education in UK

The UK government is expected to change the rules for immigration in a way that makes it easier for Overseas Students to obtain work in the country, in a move that signals a major shift in the approach towards a more welcoming stance. The proposed changes include plans to allow students who pursue Overseas Education in UK to be eligible for switching to a Skilled Worker Visa as soon as they have completed their selected course rather than waiting for their degree to be awarded – were detailed in Budget documents published on 22 November.

There have also been few suggestions from certain factions sector that the Home Office is planning to take a new stance with regards to students who come to UK for Overseas Education. The home office is expected to extend a pilot scheme that eases visa rules for students who are applying for Overseas Education to Master’s Courses at the prestigious Universities of Cambridge, Bath, Oxford, and Imperial College London.

According to the “Red Book” of the budget the government will be changing  immigration rules to enable world-leading scientists who are endorsed under the Tier 1  pathway for applying for settlement after three years in UK and speed up the process for Highly Skilled Students who pursue Overseas Education in UK to apply to work in the country after they finish their degrees and reduce the bureaucratic delays in hiring international researchers by relaxing the test for labour market and allowing the UK’s research councils to sponsor researchers

Effect of proposed changes to Overseas Education Students

The proposed changes will allow Students to Apply for and obtain a Tier 2 Skilled Worker Visa as soon as they complete their course or after writing their final exam instead of having to wait until they have received their degree. The change is thought to be in response to universities feedback to the Home Office that the present rules are causing difficulties for Post Graduate Students. In another move, the change to the Exceptional Talent scheme will cut down two years from the five-year wait faced by students currently for eligibility for settlement. The legislation for changes in the rules of immigration is expected to be scheduled in the spring.

A spokesman for Universities in UK has hailed the positive changes for both staff recruitment and the improved speed for students to take up work after completion of their studies. The spokesperson hoped that in the coming months the government would further commit to a strategy for growing the number of students seeking Overseas Education in United Kingdom.

Different stances on immigration

Different sectors in the United Kingdom sectors can take different stances on immigration, with some lobbying for a light touch with regards to EU nationals for tier 2 and tier 4 visa, while some are expected to lobby for alternative ways for EU citizens. The Tier 2 Visa Requires employers to register and maintain salary thresholds, which may restrict the ability of EU students to stay on in the United Kingdom and seek work after graduating.

To know more about the new relaxed visa norms and how to pursue Overseas Education in UK contact Global Tree at Begumpet, Hyderabad, the Best Immigration Consultancy in India.


70th Ashes Series, a Gentlemen’s Game of Passion

Plan your trip with Australian Visitor Visa

The much awaited 70th Ashes Series can not just be a topic for the day because all the Cricket lovers certainly disagree with me. Ashes series is an ongoing series of test Cricket matches for 40 days between 23rd Nov 2017 and 8th Jan 2018 played at five different venues in Aussies. Cricket is not just a game, it’s a religion, a whole community is built, embraced, loved with loyalty, uniting fans from across the world, saving the days and dates planning their trips with Australian Visitor Visa, and those immigrants to Australia are considered lucky for the season. Even the students planning their further Studies to Australia over any other country have a pleasant obligation as they push their Study Abroad plans specifically to a nation wearing a garment woven with inseparable cricket on it. We proudly recollect the moments as India secured its lot on the World’s Cricket map embarking the ladder to the top, with Amazing players in many highly competitive, on pins and needles, Tugs of war.

Passionate play

Stirring the passion, the Cricket Fever is occupying the headlines of print and electronic media, making the youngsters and old, stick on to the LED screens and those at work constantly monitor their mobiles for updating themselves with the scores, it’s a passion that plays, as the world’s best batsmen playing in opposites, at Brisbane Australia, England won the toss and chooses to bat while Steve Smith of Aussies leads his team for bowling.

Immigrant’s choice

Embracing the cricket season many are considering Immigration to Australia a perfect destiny, which could be prospective for them to enjoy a real cricket apart from making a great career in their respective field, for their children to grow up ‘Crickety’ preparing to play for national team. Because the scope in the kangaroos is that one can eventually explore and shine out all the undiscovered talents as the selection system is unbiased, chooses the talented over caste and creed, or name and fame.

Indian Born Cricketer who played for Australia

It’s amazing to remember at the moment about Indian born Rex Sellers. Born on August 20, 1940, at Bulsar, Gujarat he was the second son of William Alfred and Irene Ethel Sellers. After Immigrating to Australia got coached for cricket and selected to play in national Team Australia, nicknamed Sahib, Rex played between 1959-67.

There are many Rex Sellers with undercover talents, who can make international Cricket worth watching. It’s a place where talents and skills dominate over caste and creed. Uncover the Rex Sellers in you, moving to the Nation for your further education. Yes, you heard it right! It adds more meaning to your life and career as Australian Universities announce amazing Scholarships, especially for Indian Students. Reach the new horizons, unleash new heights and discover a new ‘You’ altogether. It’s certainly a privilege and honor for India when it can produce more players who can contribute to the International cricket.

Study Abroad in Australia

The Education in Australia is a considerable option that leads to acquiring PRif you has a future plan for Immigration to Australia. The professionals that are a shortage in Australia are given an opportunity for PR after successful completion of Australian degree, to hold back the potential workforce. The courses are designed to equip students with methodologies applicable in most common forms of practical life. Having decades of experience with Indian students, who genetically work hard and industrious, Australian government extended its generosity in announcing Scholarships to especially Indian Students.

Australian Visitor Visa

If you are planning for Australian Tourist Visa, get the documentation done perfectly with all the queries answered with well informed experts, category of visa with multifaceted facts and can offer better solutions. To bring the point to your notice Aussies is a nation rich in natural beauty, wild life sanctuaries, natural resources, indigenous flora and fauna, the pollution index is 82 while India stands at 17th rank from the list of top polluted nations

Still pondering and wondering? For what? Consult Global Tree Overseas Consultants– your necessary guide for the next era of landing in Australia. Your need met sensitively with expert advice in a best possible way, Education in Australia or Immigration to Australia. Mean while…..hey! Uncover the ‘Rex’ in you. But for now while you call us, watch Cricket; enjoy the aroma, of a cup of Coffee.

Why you should Study Abroad in Ireland

Explore the Option of Studying Abroad

Many students from India are nowadays considering the option of Studying Abroad when it comes to graduation and post-graduation, and while countries such as US, UK, Canada remain popular with the students, many are also considering options such as Ireland when making plans to study abroad. Ireland though not new as a study abroad destination has previously been ignored in favor of the more popular destinations. We provide the reasons why Ireland can be an ideal Study Abroad Destination.

Why Ireland is an ideal study abroad destination

The Irish government has endeavored to make Ireland a favorite destination for students who wish to Study Abroad and has targeted an increase in the number of International students by 2020. According to Richard Burton, Minister for Education in Ireland, increasing the number of students who Study Abroad in Ireland will positively impact the quality of education in the country. The Irish education system and the Irish culture have been praised by many students who have opted to Study Abroad at the universities in the country. In fact, many students, who come to study abroad for an undergraduate degree in Ireland, also stay on to complete their Post-Graduation Degree.

Another plus point in favor of Universities in Ireland is that the tuition fees are more affordable when compared to other popular destinations such as the USA. Also, the beautiful landscapes and the rich heritage of the country are other bonus points in favor of Ireland when it comes to selecting a Study Abroad destination. Moreover, Ireland boasts of some of the best and oldest institutions in the world, where the faculty is comprised of some of the finest minds in the field.

Universities in Ireland

Some of the universities in Ireland where a student who desires to Study Abroad can apply are

Trinity College – Dublin

Trinity College is one of the oldest educational institutions in Ireland as well as the world. Students from all over the world flock to Study Abroad at this prestigious university which is set in the heart of Ireland’s capital city of Dublin. The university is globally well known for its programs in arts and humanities and is the alma mater to many distinguished people.

National College of Ireland – Dublin

The national college of Ireland, situated in Dublin is a prestigious university that offers under-graduate and Post-Graduate Programs in many disciplines including Business and Management and many others. The college is one of the more popular colleges for students who plan to Study Abroad in Ireland

Mary Immaculate College – Limerick

Mary Immaculate College, which is located on the outskirts of Limerick boasts of excellent programs in humanities and education and is considered as one of the Best Colleges in Ireland for liberal arts. The campus has many states of the art facilities and is a favorite among students who Study Abroad in Ireland.

Cork Institute of Technology – Cork City

The Cork Institute of Technology is a historic school located in the Irish city of Cork. The college is home to more than 10,000 Students from across the world and it offers a wide range of programs for both undergraduate and postgraduate levels in music, arts, engineering, and sciences. Students who Study Abroad at this university will get a chance to explore the beautiful west coast of Ireland through the efficient public transport system of Cork city.

To know more about Studying Abroad in Ireland, get in touch with Global Tree, the most Trusted Overseas Education Consultant in India.

Global Tree Awards: Proven Best Overseas Consultant in India, Abroad Advisers Reviews & Achievements

Global tree now has another jewel in its crown with The Times Education Icon 2017 Award. The Times of India grabs the relevant top stories which recognised Global Tree for its undivided contribution to the student world in casting the light and pave a path for the clueless students who want to pursue their further education overseas. The award for the excellent services was presented by the captain of Indian Women’s Cricket Team Ms. Mithali Raj to the Directors of Global Tree Mr. Srikar Alapati andMr. Subhakar Alapati at a ceremony at Taj Vivanta along with other dignitaries and biggest names in Education industry.

Click here to read about the Times Education Icon Award achieved by Global Tree.

The renowned, most informed, monthly magazine among the top business delegates Silicon India’. It featured 10 most promising Immigration Consultants for 2017. Global tree was listed on its cover page of ‘Silicon India’ and covered the complete documentary of the founding, growth, objectives and further plans of the same with the deemed Directors Mr. Srikar Alapati and Mr. Subhakar Alapati concluding with the Rapid Expansion plans of setting up 10 more offices across India, which actually boasts its presence in 14 states now and 5 branches in Hyderabad. The article showcased the percentage of contribution of Indian students and immigrants to the economy of their landing countries and the immigrants chasing their dreams for their cherished future.

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GRE Test: GRE Coaching Center in Begumpet, Hyderabad, Overseas Education Consultant

Best tips for taking GRE Exam

After deciding to take the GRE test, you would be thinking of how to start practicing and studying the GRE Course.

In this article, I have tried to provide you the answers to those queries and tips on how to prepare for the GRE Test.

Know well about GRE test

Taking the test knowing what to expect would assist you navigate the GRE Test so you could perform to the best of your ability. Knowing the structure of the structure of exam could assist boost your test score?

Know the timeframes which are attached to it. How the initial series of queries you reply could ladder you up to harder queries that offer prospects to your GRE Score.

The exam comprises a section of analytical writing, which is broken into two half an hour sections, two half an hour of verbal reasoning sections with 20 queries in every and a quantitative reasoning that includes two 35 minutes sections with 30 queries in every section.

Practice a lot before taking GRE test

It is significant to practice for the GRE Exam. Going without practicing would not help you in your score. There are multitudes for various study materials. Few of the most accessible and budge-friendly choices are online practice tests. Practice test could give you a good insight into what areas you require to work on.

Time to take a look at your Study methods and materials

Doing the similar old mode of education could get tedious and at certain point you might wonder if you are even absorbing any information. Looking at various options, materials, methods for studying could assist you in expanding your understanding and learning.

Gather as much material as you can. There are many types of practice booklets that come with this GRE Test or you could also purchase various brands as well.  You can also study for this GRE Exam using GRE prep apps.  Although this may not be the best option, you could use a supplement method of studying.

Take the help of your friend while preparing for GRE test

Having an education friend could help you conquer this test because a friend could assist you in preparing for this test. I suggest you to study with someone else so that you could get various perspectives on things and enhances each other and assist each other with the learning process with everything that’s covered on the GRE Test. Studying in with a friend could also assist you work on your various strengths and weaknesses.  Apart from studying with the friends, you could also reach out to earlier professors and teachers for assistance.

Start your GRE test preparations much earlier

Start studying for GRE much before the day of exam. Plan ahead. Give yourself ample of time to study and prepare for the test.

Be confident on the test day

Take a sound sleep a day before test date. Eat enough and drink a lot of water before taking the test. Walk in to your exam center with the confidence in mind that you are fully prepared for taking this test.


Study in Ireland Overseas Education Ireland Irish Universities Global Tree


The big investments that Ireland has made in its foreign Higher Education System are one of the key reasons why this nation is welcoming Foreign Students in large number over the past few years. The Universities in Ireland are among the world leaders in a rising number of educational subjects.

Among the benefits that make European country so appealing to foreign students who want to Study in Ireland are the facts that the nation is part of the European Union, and the education system follows the Bologna system. The medium of instruction used in the Irish Universities is English, and you could gain from reduced and less living costs. This country is also popular for its safe environment and friendly citizens. And it is also listed on the leading nations where students are satisfied with their Study Abroad Experience.

Starting your Ireland Student Visa Application Process:

The first thing you need to do is to decide which Irish university you are looking to apply and avail your acceptance letter from that university. This letter is required when you submit your Irish student visaapplication.

You can consider few of the best universities in the nation and they are as follows: Dublin City University, University College Cork, University College Dublin, Dublin Institute of Technology and the University of Limerick.

Types of Visas you require to Study in Ireland

There are two types of student visas for students who could apply to Study in Ireland. They are:

C type study visa: It is the visa which could be applied to any education program or course with less than three months of duration.

D type study visa: It is the visa which could be applied for any course with more than three months of duration.

Where and when to apply for Ireland Student Visa?

You could apply for Ireland Student Visa three months prior your date of arriving in the country.  To apply, you should submit an online application form on the website of Ireland Immigration. After submitting the online application, you are required to follow further instructions and you also need to submit your supporting documents. You should also need to provide your bio metric data as part of your application. The processing time of visa might differ, depending on the country for which you are applying for your visa.  Normally, you would get a response in one to two months of time.

Requirement of Language Proficiency to Study in Ireland

Foreign students should meet the minimum requirement of English language to avail student immigration permission. You would need to submit proof of proficiency in the English language through a foreign recognized certificate.  You could take any standardized test such as TOEFL, IELTS or PTE.

Documents required for Ireland Student Visa

You should submit the following documents while applying for Irish Student Visa and they are as follows:

  • Valid Passport
  • Recent color passport sized photos
  • Application letter duly signed and your contact details
  • Acceptance letter from the college or university
  • Proof of registration and tuition fees
  • Certificate of English language proficiency
  • Copies of your entire education qualifications and certificates
  • Medical insurance cover
  • Commitment to return back to your native country after visa expiry

Applying for Irish Work Permit

Non-EU students could work for part-time i.e.up to 20 hours per week during semesters and they could also work for the full-time period for 40 hours per week during vacation and holidays.

Applying for Irish Residence Permit

you are admitted in any Irish college or university for a degree that is going to last for more than three months, you would require registering at local immigration office after you arrive in this country. You should submit documents such as photos, passport, and documents related to your entry in the country.

Irish Residence Permit allows you to reside in this country for a period of one year and you would get a Registration Certificate that should be renewed before its expiry.

If you are looking to Study in Ireland, it is recommended that you go with Global Tree who is one of the Best Education Consultants in India that helps you in your Irish Education process.

For Study Abroad, Enroll now for Training


What if you are trying to stitch a dress just because you have an idea about it? If you do so, you will be a spoiler. When you care so much about an outfit that lasts for some days, how can you take it so easy regarding one of those tests that are important for your life?

Self-Study: A blunder

Never make a mistake of attempting the English language tests whose scores are r important for your admission. As a part of planning to Study Abroad, your language skills are tested through IELTS, TOEFL, GRE, SAT and so on. Good scores in these tests will assign you to Top Universities apart from other points of the checklist. If you don’t qualify for these tests that blocks your admission into one of those universities you dream to graduate from.

Quick look at different TOEFL Tests

Measures the English Language proficiency of the non-native speakers, seeking to study in native English speaking countries. TOEFL Exam Tests the candidate’s efficiency of written, spoken, read and heard aspects of English in university settings. There is no qualifying score for TOEFL, and the universities have their individual required scores.  For any UG course in US and Canada, you need to attempt SAT/GRE for MS and for those seeking to pursue MBA, GMAT is required. Apart from these tests either TOEFL or IELTS are also required. Securing a good score in TOEFL can take you to any destination like no other test does.

IELTS Training

International English Language Testing System. The test assesses your proficiency in listening, reading, writing and speaking. IELTS writing (essay) with Task 1&2 also significantly make up for the score. IELTS training is a part of your preparation for your education overseas which should never be taken easy. Reading the English News Paper, watching English News Channels to better know the accent and acquaint with current affairs for general knowledge play an important role in the preparation of IELTS. The scores are valid for 2 years.

PTE Coaching

Pearson Test of English is a test that is accepted by universities, colleges and institutions across the globe. It’s a user-friendly test consisting of three sections. They are Speaking and Writing which go together, Reading, and Listening sections. You will hear abstracts from different lectures, Real life incidents and activities, and a variety of accents from Native English speakers and non-native. It’s a 3-hour test, and the results are out within 5 business days. The scores are valid for 2 years and candidate is allowed to take as many tests as possible.

Required GMAT for Overseas Education

Graduate Management Admission Test measures the aptitude in mathematics and English Language. It is generally viewed as a primary test for those seeking admission into business schools and Top Universities in USA.  Analytical Writing assessment, Verbal ability and Quantitative section are the three sections involved in GMAT Exam. GMAT training is something you cannot take it easy.

GRE Training

Graduate Record Examination is required by students seeking admission into graduate schools. Analytical Writing, Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative reasoning are three sections involved in GRE. If GRE Training in Hyderabad is your option you are warmly welcomed to Global Tree trusting your results are positively best. GRE Basic and GRE subjects are available. GRE basic is required for graduates seeking MBA or MS. GRE subjects are for those seeking admissions into specialization degrees such as Biochemistry, Biology, Chemistry, Literature, Math, Physics and Psychology. It is not mandated to attempt the subject test but it shows cases your subject knowledge in that particular subject to get you admission into the best college.

SAT Test Preparation

Scholastic Assessment Test measures the literacy, Numeracy and Writing skills required for admission into the universities and colleges. SAT Scores are valid for 5 years.

What are you waiting for?

The urge that drives you to education overseas is enough to create the momentum required and our deemed faculty, to train you in securing the required scores. None can do a promising job than our Global Tree Teamwho worked on the topics decades together in shaping the Mock Tests, which prepare you for real time.

Course material is personalized, thorough, result-oriented and tailored to meet the individual requirements.

Classrooms are well equipped and sophisticated with highly qualified, well experienced and highly motivated faculties to handle the coaching classes. IELTS, TOEFL coaching is something you cannot afford to miss.

Talk to us today, Enroll now in Training to accomplish your dreams of Overseas Education.

Global treeOverseas Education Consultants have made a significant impact in the student world and Immigrants through the Training Programs to English Speaking countries where the scores add up to the Immigration Policies.

Things you should not ignore when preparing for IELTS


Getting a world-class qualification and an elegant degree from a well-known Foreign University is everybody’s dream to give their career a kick-start.  Overseas Education or settling abroad, Cracking the IELTS Exam is an essential step that every aspiring individual have to cross, but without the proper guidance this step usually turns into a barrier and many students finds it difficult to crack this IELTS Test.

To overcome this, here’s what we have found out what would be the fool-proof strategy to obtain a decent score in the test.

Introduction about IELTS

IELTS (International English Language Test System) is considered as one of the world’s most preferred English proficiency test that is conducted for students who are looking to Study or Work Abroad or applying for Migration.

Why are people crazy to appear in IELTS Test?

As prospects for Study Abroad have opened on a big scale, so is the craze among aspiring students to grab this opportunity. One of the reasons could be due to lavishing lifestyle and better opportunities. Nowadays, every student dreams to pursue a great career and few consider Study Abroad as a better choice to fulfill their dream.

What is the need to take IELTS Coaching?

As the competition is rising everywhere, so are the student’s interest to get through this IELTS Test. Each year, thousands of students from medical to engineering professionals appear for English test, but not all are lucky to get through. Well, there could be abundant reasons like lack of knowledge or practice towards the subject.

How could you score well in IELTS Exam?

Here are few important tips to assist students to overcome the obstacles and get through the IELTS Test with an excellent band score.

Few important tips to get through the IELTS Exam

IELTS Listening: While preparing for the English language listening test, students should watch English news channels and try to catch their ascent. Students can also listen to audios and watch videos that could help them enhance their understanding towards the language.

IELTS Reading: Students must read newspapers on daily basis to get a good command over the English language. Not only it would assist enriching their vocabulary but at the same time get a general knowledge about what is happening across the globe.  A lot of material is available online that students could take assistance to gain real-time experience of IELTS reading test.


IELTS Writing: IELTS writing test involves gathering thoughts perfectly when writing on a certain topic, series of vocabulary and proficiency towards the language. So when preparing for this test, a student goes through good English essay books and learns the art of writing essays. If not books, take online help.

IELTS Speaking: IELTS speaking preparation involves good thinking and communication skills in the English language. So stressing more about English skills and utilizing the proper accent is quite significant. Catching the right English accent do not come overnight, so if any student is eager to learn fast, it is recommended for few audio material that is available online for added assistance.

Selecting the right IELTS Coaching Institute

Joining an accurate and reputed training center could be of great help to students who seek to take the test.  When competition is running high everywhere, taking additional help from a coaching center is crucial. A better training institute would not only help you do practice for the test but at the similar time it would also conduct mock tests, help you overcome weak points, provide you with the study material and much more.

If you are looking to take IELTS Training, it is recommended that you go with a company that has got years of experience. Global Tree is one of the Best Education Consultants in India that helps you to crack your IELTS Exam.