GRE Coaching – Latest Pattern for Verbal Reasoning and Tips for Scoring In Reading Comprehension

The verbal reasoning segment in the GRE general test for 2019 comprises of three types of types of questions

  1. Reading comprehension
  2. Text completion
  3. Sentence equivalence.

GRE Coaching Tips for Scoring High on Reading Comprehension

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GRE Coaching – Latest Pattern for Verbal Reasoning and Tips for Scoring In Reading Comprehension

The reading comprehension section requires students to understand the relationships between the different parts of a sentence and comprehend the essence of the passage to answer the questions that are asked in the section that follows. Nearly 50 percent of the questions in the verbal reasoning section consist of questions on reading comprehension, and therefore it is important to concentrate on the reading comprehension segment. WE OFFER A FEW GRE COACHING tips to score more on this segment of the verbal reasoning section.

  1. Develop an interest in various kinds of topics and genres no matter how boring they may seem to you. Training your brain to accept and absorb dull and dreary topics will keep it in top shape for test day and you will be able to answer any passage with confidence.
  2. Practice the art of extracting the gist or key idea of each paragraph in the passage as you go along. You will need to be able to answer questions such as what is the passage talking about and why. This will help you when you are answering the questions at the end of the passage.
  3. Use notes and mind mapping strategies to help you easily unearth the gist of a complex passage and help you to stay focused when answering questions at the end of the passage. A mind map can give you a brief outline of the passage which would help you to answer questions quickly.
  4. Take care, while attempting questions on reading comprehension to not get confused between different points of view, especially in passages that present conflicting arguments and ask you to highlight the key differences

5 look out for a supporting statement that validates the question. This should be your cue to understand whether your answer is right. If you answer is not supported by any statement in the passage, then you should try answering the question differently

With these GRE tips you can greatly enhance your score for the reading comprehension section in the GRE general test 

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GRE Training – Fool Proof Guide to Last Minute Preparation!

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How to Make the Most of Your GRE Coaching Class?

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