TOEFL Changes in 2019-2020 (Updated March 8, 2020)

The reading, listening in and speaking areas of the TOEFL changed in August, 2019. From that point forward, ETS has additionally declared a progression of littler changes. The vast majority of these progressions have been very much promoted, yet some of them are “Secret changes.” Here’s what you have to note.

TOEFL Changes in 2019-2020 (Updated March 8, 2020)

Reading Section Changes

You will still get three or four passages to read. If you get four passages, one of them will be an “experimental” passages that isn’t graded.

Each reading passage will have 9 or 10 questions, rather than 12 to 14 questions. You will be given 54 minutes (three passages) or 74 minutes (four passages) to complete the reading segment. This implies you will have around 18 minutes for passage and 105 seconds for each question (rather than 90 seconds like on the old test). Note that you might be required to achieve increased accuracy, so it isn’t safe to state that this change makes the reading area “simpler-.”

If the total number of questions for a passage is 9, that implies a “fill in a table” question will show up as the last question. According to ETS, every passage will have exactly 10 questions every time, however this is incorrect information.

The articles are a similar length and difficulty level as before. The Similar sorts of questions are used.

Unofficial reading scores are now given at the test center as soon as when you finish the test.

Listening Section Changes

You will listen to two three sets of listening materials. Each set will comprise of it is possible that one discussion and two lectures (since a long set), or one conversation and one lecture (short set).

The long set has 17 questions and you will be given 10 minutes to tackle them. The short set has 11 questions and you will be given 6.5 minutes to solve them. Note that the clock doesn’t run while you are listening. This implies you have around 35 seconds to solve each question, which is equivalent to on the old test. Some students have been given 7 minutes to tackle the short set. The reason for this is unknown.

If you are given three sets, the third will be an extra short set. For this situation one of your lectures and one of your conversations won’t be evaluated. These test entries could emerge out of any of the sets.

Note that the length of the passages is unchanged, and the difficulty level is unchanged. All of the similar question types are being used.

Unofficial listening scores are presently given at the test center when you finish the test.

Speaking Section Changes

Speaking Question 1 (personal preference) and Speaking Question 5 (campus situation) have been removed from the test. The rest of the questions are same as before. Note, however, that “multiple choice” and “advantages/disadvantages” questions are not being utilized in the new question one.

Your score is presently controlled by one human rater and the SpeechRater software. This is called “Enhanceded Speaking Scoring” by ETS. The SpeechRater software is new. Previously, students were reviewed only by human raters.


It presently takes around three hours to finish the TOEFL, rather than 3.5 hours (not including administrative stuff and your break). The test is as yet scored out of 120 points, and each section still has equivalent weight.

TOEFL Scoring Changes

MyBest Scores

Your TOEFL score report now contains a section referred to as “MyBest Scores.” This segment joins the best outcome from each area of the test you have gotten over the entirety of your endeavors in the course of recent years. For example, if you take the test multiple times it will consolidate the best individual writing, speaking, reading and listening scores you accomplished on the all of the attempts. Note that a few schools may not acknowledge these scores and will keep on just accept single test scores. So far, most schools are not tolerating these scores, yet you can see my (incomplete) list of schools that accept them.

Less Specific Score Reports

Before, students received overall speaking and writing scores, as well as specific level assessments (limited, week, fair, good) for every one of their writing tasks and for sets of their speaking tasks. This showed which parts of the test they did well on, and which parts they did poorly on. Those levels have now been expelled from the score reports. Students just get overall scores now.

Quicker Score Reports and Score Reviews

It currently takes only six days to get your score (it used to take ten days). It currently takes only three days to get a score review. Note that the SpeechRater isn’t utilized when a score review is mentioned.

TOEFL Registration Changes

Students would now be able to take exam once every week. Previously they could just take the exam once every two weeks.

It is currently possible to enroll for the test only two days before it is given.

New Official TOEFL Test Prep Resources

ETS has recommended that new variant of the Official Guide to the TOEFL will be published in June, 2020. This isn’t official, however.

ETS now gives another free example test which uses altered versions of the old TOEFL Quick Prep sets. They have also given some new questions PDFs which you can find out about on my blog.

Older TOEFL Trends – 2018 and 2019

To quickly summarize, there are six principle patterns we’ve seen in 2018 and 2019 that are separate from the declared changes depicted previously:

  1. Independent writing questions prompts are getting longer. They are sometimes as long as six sentences!
  2. A warning to “not utilized memorized examples” is something showed toward the end of the autonomous writing question.
  3. In multiple choice independent writing questions, students are now sometime told they can pick more than one option.
  4. Independent speaking question prompts are getting longer.
  5. It is possible to get 25 focuses in the speaking segment. Previously this was impossible.

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