Is it the right time (COVID-19) to take GRE?

When do I take the GRE? As a student who is looking to peruse their Masters/PhD, this is a question that emerges!

The GRE can be given anytime, depending upon the availability of the slots in a specific center, throughout the year. There is no clear cut answer to the question of when to write the GRE, but we might want to give you a couple of pointers that may assist you make your decision.

Is it the right time (COVID-19) to take GRE?

The following questions will give you a more insight into the GRE test. The Graduate Record Examination needs consistent effort and you also need to aware of the timelines.

1 How prepared are you?

As a student, you have to check your level of readiness; If you are given a differing range of inquiries from both the Quantitative and the Verbal segments, you should be comfortable enough to answer them.

You can take mock/sample tests and practice questions which will assist you assessing yourself, and whether you are exam ready. All things considered, there is no point of writing a test when you are half-prepared. Remember, that there is one rigid condition: the submission deadline. You have to put your effort and give the test before your target universities submission deadlines.

The GRE utilizes difficult words, and therefore, you would be required to be well read. Practicing reading  is something that will upgrade your confidence, enabling you to give your examination a much faster than those who ignore this component. You may need to improve your vocabulary, however we at Global Tree don’t encourage you to spend a lot of time on vocabulary development. It is best you get familiar with the best vocabulary method to ensure it is done in a less time consuming manner.

When do you plan on doing your masters?

Most Indian students think about the GRE during the last year of their undergraduate studies. Remember that, the GRE test scores are valid for a time of 5 years. This means that you do well, you can even gather 2 to 3 years of work experience and apply to your preferred University.

Students came from various backgrounds and along these various aspirations. While a few students like to do their masters immediately their course, others like to pause and gain some experience before diving into the more complex word of Masters.

Here, we would like to stress that neither approach is wrong.

  1. Students who prefer the option of studying immediately after their undergrad like to proceed their education primarily because they confidence in ‘momentum’- they would prefer not to have a stop-start.
  2. Students who take the way of ‘experience-first’ like to muster more practical and on-field information before they go for master’s program.

In any case, the GRE scores are valid for a time of 5 years, therefore the timing of your masters program is totally critical.

3 When are the application deadlines?

Application cutoff times are listed on each university website, and students needs to inquire about the prerequisites, alongside the application cutoff times well in advance. Most colleges/universities have their application cutoff times set in December or in January but do remember that this might vary depending on the destination. There are various segments to a total application, which includes the Statement of Purpose, Letters of Recommendation, transcripts and so on, along with your GRE score. The process of making a totally adjusted application takes a ton of time and requires intensive planning and thoroughness.

Let us assume that you are hoping to make secure admission into a college/university in the fall of 2020. Your application cutoff times would be somewhere close to December 2019 and January 2020. This implies you should plan on finishing your GRE by November 2019. You also need to bear in mind that  If you don’t score well in your first attempt, you would need to retake the examination and the GRE can be given just once at every 21 days.

In order to give yourself enough time to prepare, take a diagnostic test and understand where you stand. This will give you sufficient time to plan ‘backwards’, that is, take the test in time.

Planning backwards gives you the adaptability of choosing when to form your schedules and you then have a target examination. Working towards that goal can make the whole procedure very directional.

4 Do I have to be in college  while taking the GRE?

There are various types of test takers who give the GRE. A few of them are students, and others simply step through the exam to add to their professional qualification.

Here, we focus on only students who accept the GRE as a part of their college/university application process. Presently, for those students who are either a working professionals or a parent; you have to design your preparation plans around your work, which may be a truly demanding task. Ensure that you plan well in advance. Reasonability is very much advised-a lot of students miss cutoff times because of unplanned schedule. As we have mentioned planning backwards is the way to your success story. We suggest you to have your submission cutoff times written down so that you never forget the target.

Working experts have certain periods when work gets extremely hectic, and these periods are hard to persevere. What one must remember is that getting ready for your examination in the midst of these situations can be extremely difficult.

The choice of when to take the GRE is totally depends on the student. A student must know about factors that are personal, subjective, and those parameters which can’t be ignored; the requirements set by the university. A combination of subjective and objective factors should be key determinants for you.

GRE Coaching in Hyderabad

GRE Coaching in New Delhi

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ETS Provides An Option For Taking GRE & TOEFL Test From Home

How to get a perfect score in Quantitative Section of GRE

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