BC PNP Draw Issued 374 Skills Immigration Invitations

Through the various streams of the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program, British Columbia issued more than370 invitations in the most recent draw. The categories for the October draw were general and targeted.

320 invites were sent out via five skilled workers and international graduates in five BC PNP streams in the general draw, which included the tech occupations. The lowest scores ranged from 78 to 114 points. Additionally, 25 extra invitations were sent out in the targeted draw to skilled employees and international graduates who received at least 60 points in the draw under NOC 4214’s Early Childhood Educators and Assistants.

[Read More: How to Apply for FSWP?]

19 invitations were issued for a healthcare worker draw aimed at skilled workers, international graduates, and entry-level and semi-skilled workers, each with a minimum score of 60 points. Additionally, another set of “less than 5” invitations were sent out to entry-level and semi-skilled workers, with the lowest score of 60 specifically targeting Healthcare Assistants under NOC 3413. To protect the privacy of individuals who were invited to the draw, the invites were recorded as “less than 5”.

A minimum score of 60 was required for the last round of “less than 5” targeted invites, which were given to skilled workers and international graduates under NOCs 3114 and 3213 for veterinarians and animal health specialists, respectively.

About the BC PNP

The BC PNP aims to draw in foreign employees in high demand in the province and those who want to move to Canada as permanent citizens.

Skills Immigration and Express Entry, the two immigration streams that make up the BC PNP, have subcategories. The B.C.’s Skills Immigration Registration System oversees these streams (SIRS).

How Does the BC PNP Work?

The Canadian economy is primarily “supported & sustained” by the province of British Columbia. The British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP), which is managed by the province, is one of the most sought-after Canada Immigration paths for aspiring immigrants from all over the world.

Currently, the BC PNP Manages Two Categories:-

  • British Columbia Skills Immigration
  • British Columbia Entrepreneur Immigration

Based on the points gained under the BC PNP points calculator, candidates are ranked and evaluated. Age, education, work experience, language proficiency and spouse sponsorships are just a few of the criteria used for determining the points awarded. An Invitation to Apply (ITA) to the BC PNP is sent to the candidates with the highest scores.

How to Receive an ITA?

Invitations, or ITAs, are sent by IRCC to applicants with active Express Entry profiles at the time of the draw. You need to first be eligible for Express Entry in order to get an invitation from the BC PNP or any other provincial immigration programme. You also need to have an active Express Entry pool profile. As long as the province seems to have an immediate need for the occupation, it evaluates and applies the’ skill immigration ‘ categories to the profile.

Check the below BC PNP Videos: