What to Expect on SAT Test Day

SAT makes up an integral part of your going abroad process. A lot of time and effort is put into SAT prep; countless sample papers, mock SATs, quantitative and qualitative exercises, and a lot of other exercises make up the rigorous preparation routine for SAT. After all this gearing up, it would be devastating if you don’t appear for the actual test.

Due to the pandemic, the last two years saw a lot of uncertainty with reference to the administration of the test and the test centers. Fortunately, the Covid-19 condition is improving with time and many SAT centers are back on track. However, the College Board advises all the SAT centers and administrators to follow strict Covid-19 precautionary measures to curb any sudden spread of the virus.

[Read more: Quick Tips To Increase Your Sat Score Before The Test]

SAT Test Day Final Tips

Here are the few things to keep in mind before going to the SAT test center to give your exam. At the moment they might seem trivial and even unnecessary, but it’s better to be prepared for any situation.

  1. Mandatory to Wear a Mask: Whenever you go to write your SAT test, carry a mask with you. It’s even better to have a spare, in case you lose or misplace the other. The College Board strictly wants all the students appearing for the exam to wear masks. Even if you have taken your vaccine and gone through the booster dose, students are still required to wear masks. It might be uncomfortable to give the SAT with a mask on, so it is advised to attempt mock tests with the mask on.
  2. Be in Good Health Condition: make sure you keep yourself healthy and safe before the exam. The College Board has made it very clear that if any student is sick or is showing any symptoms of Covid, then they must stay at home and the test fee will be carried forward to the next date which the student chooses.
  3. Maintain 3 Feet Distance: students have to maintain 3 feet distance from each other to minimize the risk of any virus spread.
  4. Check with the Test Center: In order to make sure you’re fully prepared, even after your SAT preparation, cross-check with the test center before the test day. There might be some center-specific information that you might not be able to find on the common platform.

In case you cancel the test because of bad health, contact the test center administration and let them know about your condition. They will help you reregister for the next SAT test date. Make sure you keep yourself in good condition before your SAT test.

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