All you Need to Know about Sandwich programs in the UK

What is a sandwich course?

A sandwich degree is a course that is offered by UK universities and it involves academic study with practical work experience as well. Usually, placements are where students get to work in industries or companies in their areas of interest that are related to their course in college. Suppose a mass communication student is applying for a sandwich course, then the student will be expected to do an internship at a company related to the degree and maybe work as a journalist.

 Research suggests that sandwich degrees, which are designed by both employers and top UK universities, make students more employable. It not only boosts students’ personal development and teamwork skills but also helps increase the stakes of getting a higher-paying job after graduation.  There’s also evidence to suggest that placement years boost students’ academic performance due to gaining practical knowledge.

In addition to giving an excellent experience in the chosen industry, the sandwich program in the UK also enables the student to stay in the country for an additional year. However, the concept is only valid for courses offered at the postgraduate and undergraduate levels. The course duration itself depends on the university that the student is at.

Types of Sandwich Courses in the UK

There are two types of sandwich courses in the UK: Thick and Thin Sandwich Courses.

  1. Thick Sandwich Courses consist of one year of internship or work experience in a company. In these courses, the student first studies for two to three years and takes up the placement in the third year.
  • In Thin Sandwich Courses, the course is made up of two or more placements. For example, the first year will include six months of practical exposure, followed by another six months in the third year.

Eligibility for a sandwich course in the UK

These programmes’ eligibility requirements are nearly identical to those of every other undergraduate or graduate programme in the UK.

Benefits of Studying Sandwich Courses in the UK

The advantages of taking sandwich courses to Study in the UK are numerous. The students resume will benefit greatly from taking a sandwich course.

  • Sandwich courses give students a considerable advantage over traditional study courses since they are more work-oriented. It is a great way to gain insights into an industry of choice with practical knowledge 
  • As part of the sandwich course, the student is also eligible for financial incentives. The stipend received during the internship may reduce some of the living expenses while travelling.
  •  The chances of standing out are higher than the other students by developing new abilities that will eventually help the student fit in with the corporate environment. This goes without saying, the student would end up being better equipped than their peers with their newly gained insights and practical knowledge.
  • If the internship has been done well, there is a high chance that the student will get the pre-placement offer from the same company.
  • It also helps the youth gain direction for their career path. Before diving headfirst into a permanent graduate job, a year in the industry is a fantastic way to test out a field. Regardless of whether it suits their requirements or not, they will still have learned quite a bit of essential and valuable skills. 
  • Some people get the option to live in a whole other region of the country or even the entire world during a placement year.
  • The student will have a foundation of experience to draw from when they start applying for graduate jobs after going through a similar application procedure throughout their placement year, and they will perform more effectively due to the prior experience. 

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 Disadvantages of Studying Sandwich Courses in the UK

  • If the student’s friends are staying at university to finish their degrees, they will constantly worry about missing out in the final year. Although, fear not, dissertations really do take a toll on the social life of students
  • Finding one in the first place is one of the drawbacks of doing a placement year. The application process for bigger companies tends to have many stages and can span the course of months which could potentially lead to missing lectures. Although this isn’t ideal, lecturers will usually be understanding and send you the content that you have missed.
  • Some students may have a minor issue as their course does not include a placement opportunity. If this applies to students, don’t assume that it’s not an option. Talk to the course leader and figure out the next step.

Cost to Study Sandwich Courses in the UK

  1. In the UK, sandwich course students end up having a lower tuition rate than full-time students.
  2. The student can go for an educational loan to pay this fee at a lower rate
  3.  Consult the faculty and university to learn about the options available.

There are sacrifices that must be made to do a sandwich course, one of them being a year of a student’s life, but it will bring them a vast array of benefits that will last a lifetime and will always remain valuable. For further details and expert advice, reach out to our study in UK counselors.