How to Improve Your IELTS Reading Score with This Simple Technique


Reading is a key skill in many academic and professional fields, so improving your ability to read effectively can be an important part of boosting your career. One of the best ways to improve your reading skills is by practicing with official IELTS test papers. Start by choosing some official IELTS practice papers online, and then Follow these techniques to improve your IELTS score:

Improve Your IELTS Reading Score with These Simple Techniques

Make a perfect plan to prepare for IELTS. Take more practice test to improve your IELTS score. While preparing for IELTS exam first focus on how to improve IELTS reading score with following techniques.

1. Read the question carefully

One of the most important things to do when reading an IELTS passage is to take your time and read each question carefully. The questions will usually be in the same order as they appear in the passage, so if you can find them quickly, you’re more likely to understand what they want from you.

2. Skim the passage quickly

Skimming the passage quickly is a good way to get an overall idea of what it’s about. You should read the first few paragraphs and then skim through the rest of the passage.

You should not read too quickly, or you may miss important details. It’s also important not to skip over key words and phrases that could help you answer questions later on in your reading test.

3. Focus on key ideas

The third step is to focus on the key ideas. First you should have a complete idea on IELTS exam syllabus, pattern and structure.

As you’re reading, don’t waste time trying to understand every word of the passage. Instead, read through it quickly, looking for the main points that will help you answer questions 1-3. Then use these points to summarize the passage yourself in your own words:

  • What was this passage about?
  • Who wrote it?
  • Why did they write it?

4. Be selective in your reading

  • Be selective in your reading.
  • Don’t read the whole passage. You can skip parts of it, or even skip the whole thing if there’s nothing useful in it for you.
  • Don’t read the whole question, either–just focus on answering those parts that ask for specific information or instructions (e.g., “List three reasons why…”).
  • Similarly, don’t bother trying to understand everything in an answer–just look at what you need for this particular section of your answer and move on!

(Read More: 5 Best Tips to Prepare for the IELTS)

5. Use text marking effectively

You can also use text marking effectively to improve your IELTS reading score.

Highlighting key ideas is a good way to do this. Use highlighters, pens or pencils to mark up the text and highlight important information such as:

  • main points of the passage
  • key details that support your understanding of a particular idea or argument (e.g., facts, statistics, quotations).

6. Don’t feel compelled to read every word of every sentence

  • Don’t feel compelled to read every word of every sentence.
  • If a word or phrase doesn’t make sense, skip it and move on.
  • Read only two or three sentences at a time, then look at the questions in the test booklet.
  • If you don’t understand something in one of these paragraphs, then stop reading that paragraph and go back to it later when you have more time (this will help prevent confusion).
  • Don’t get stuck on any one word or sentence; instead try reading things in phrases rather than word for word!

(Read More: Things you should not ignore when preparing for IELTS)

7. Remember that the questions are often in the same order as they appear in the passage!

You can improve your IELTS reading score by remembering the order of the questions. This simple technique will help you save time, which means that you can answer more questions and get a higher score in the exam.

To do this, simply look at the passage before reading it. If there are five questions at the end of a paragraph, then those five paragraphs will be numbered 1 through 5 on their own pages (or sections). You can then go back to those numbers when answering those questions!


The IELTS reading section is the most difficult part of the test. It requires you to read a long text and understand it well enough to answer questions about it. To do this, you need to be able to read quickly and efficiently while still understanding everything you read. The best way to practice this skill is by reading as much as possible! Also Focus on complete IELTS training.

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