Discover the Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in the US for 2024


The US is a hub for innovation, and that means its home to the best-paying jobs in the world. There are plenty of ways to make a lot of money in this country. In fact, if you know how to use your skills and put them toward lucrative ends, you can be making more than six figures in the coming 3 years. This list includes some of the highest-paying jobs with salaries over $100k per year: 

1. Artificial Intelligence Engineer or Data Scientist Takeaway:  

  • The number of job opportunities for artificial intelligence engineers and data scientists is expected to increase by over 150% between now and 2023, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). These professionals use programming languages like Python or R that allow computers to act like humans do on their own terms, making decisions based on information they gather from external sources such as sensor data or databases. A job as an AI engineer may require you to develop machine learning algorithms that analyze large amounts of data in order to identify patterns in behaviour–for example: if a customer buys one product but not another one, what could be done next time? 

2. DevOps Engineer or SRE (Site Reliability Engineer) 

  • The average salary for a DevOps engineer is $131,000 per year, according to Glassdoor’s data. The field requires knowledge of multiple programming languages and experience with cloud computing, virtualization and containerization technologies. The job also calls for an understanding of software development methodologies such as agile development and continuous integration/delivery (CI/CD). It is one of the highest on-demand jobs in USA

3. Data Warehouse Architect 

Data warehouse architects are responsible for designing and building data warehouses. They use their knowledge of business requirements, data modelling techniques, and database technologies to design the right kind of system for their clients’ needs. In addition to being responsible for managing all aspects of a project from start to finish, these professionals also ensure that their team members have all the necessary skillsets needed for success. 

Data warehouse architect jobs pay an average annual salary of $132k (as of May 2019). 

4. Data Architect 

Data architects are responsible for the design and implementation of a company’s data architecture. They work with business stakeholders to define the company’s data requirements, then they use that information to design their own solutions. Data architects are responsible for the development of data models and data warehouses, which help companies store and analyze large amounts of information. 

Data architects need at least a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a related field; however, many employers prefer candidates who have earned their master’s degree in information systems or business Analytics. 

5. Product Manager 

Product managers are the people responsible for ensuring that a company’s products are successful. They’re responsible for everything from development to marketing to sales, and they must be able to communicate with both technical and non-technical people. 

Product managers are expected to have excellent analytical skills, as well as a knack for problem solving–they must be able to step back from the details of their job and look at it from multiple angles in order to find effective solutions. They also need excellent communication skills so that they can work effectively with others on their team who may have different areas of expertise (for example: developers or designers) but must still collaborate closely together if they want their product line-up ready by launch date! 

6. Customer Success Manager 

Customer success managers are responsible for ensuring that their company’s products and services are delivered to customers in a way that maximizes customer satisfaction. They typically work with clients over the phone or via email, making sure they’re happy with what they’ve purchased and helping them get value out of it. 

Customer Success Managers earn an average salary of $126,000 per year as of May 2023 according to Glassdoor. 

[Read More: How to obtain an H1B visa for the USA

7. Data Scientist 

Data scientists work with data in order to find patterns and make predictions. They’re often tasked with building models that help companies make better decisions, but they can also be found working on projects like improving website usability or creating algorithms that can spot credit card fraud. 

Data scientists often have advanced degrees in statistics or computer science–and sometimes both! If you want this job, it’s important that you have at least some programming experience under your belt (even if it’s just some beginner-level HTML). You’ll also need excellent communication skills so that you can explain what your findings mean for the people who will use them at work. 

8. Database Administrator 

The highest paying job in the US is a high-demand job, so if you’re looking for a career with lots of money and security, this might be it. You’ll need some education and experience to get started but once you do, your salary will be around $125k per year! 

9. ERP Project Manager 

ERP project managers are responsible for overseeing the implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. They ensure that all phases of an ERP project are completed on time, within budget and to quality standards. This can be a challenging role as it requires strong leadership skills, as well as expertise in areas such as business analysis, IT management and project management. 

ERP Project Managers need to have extensive experience in implementing new software solutions at scale, including: 

  • Understanding how IT projects work from start-to-finish 
  • Being able to lead cross-functional teams across diverse departments within organizations 
  • Having industry knowledge about ERPs 

10. Application Development Manager 

Application development managers must be skilled in several different areas, including: 

  • Software engineering–the practice of creating programs that meet the needs of users by using a variety of programming languages and tools 
  • Project management–the process of managing multiple tasks at once while keeping track of deadlines, budgets, etc. 
  • Computer science — is of the on-demand degrees to study in USA, a field that focuses on how computers work; knowledge about programming languages like Java or C++ will help you understand how computers function so that you can build them more efficiently 


The US economy is booming, and it shows in the job market. These 10 jobs will offer the highest pay in 2023, with all jobs paying over 100K per year. The average salary of all US workers is $52,000 per year, but these positions can earn over $200K annually with overtime pay included! 

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