Top Canadian immigration updates of 2023 for Indians


Canada is a popular destination for Indian immigrants. The country offers a high standard of living, a strong economy, and a diverse population. In 2021, India was the top source country for new immigrants to Canada. 

The Canadian government has announced a number of immigration updates for 2023. These updates are designed to attract and retain skilled workers, support economic growth, and reunite families. 

Here are some of the top Canadian immigration updates of 2023 for Indians: 

  • Increased immigration targets: The Canadian government has set ambitious immigration targets for 2023-2025. The government plans to welcome 465,000 new permanent residents in 2023, 485,000 in 2024, and 500,000 in 2025. This represents a significant increase from the previous immigration targets. 

[Explore more: Canada’s highest paying jobs

  • Focus on skilled workers: The Canadian government is focused on attracting and retaining skilled workers. The government has announced a number of measures to make it easier for skilled workers to immigrate to Canada, including: 
  • Launching new immigration programs: The government has launched a number of new immigration programs to attract skilled workers in specific sectors, such as healthcare and technology. 
  • Support for economic growth: The Canadian government is also focused on using immigration to support economic growth. The government has announced a number of measures to make it easier for businesses to hire foreign workers, including: 
  • Expanding the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP): The TFWP allows businesses to hire foreign workers to fill temporary labor shortages. The government has announced that it will expand the TFWP to include more occupations and to make it easier for businesses to hire foreign workers. 
  • Launching new immigration programs: The government has launched a number of new immigration programs to attract and retain entrepreneurs and investors. 
  • Family reunification: The Canadian government is committed to family reunification. The government has announced a number of measures to make it easier for families to reunite in Canada, including: 
  • Expanding the Express Entry program: The Express Entry program is a points-based system for selecting skilled workers toimmigrate to Canada easily. The government has announced that it will expand the Express Entry program to include more occupations and to increase the number of invitations to apply (ITAs) issued to skilled workers. 
  • Expanding the spousal sponsorship program: The spousal sponsorship program allows Canadian citizens and permanent residents to sponsor their spouses or common-law partners for immigration to Canada. The government has announced that it will expand the spousal sponsorship program to include more people. 
  • Launching new immigration programs: The government has launched a number of new immigration programs to reunite families, such as the Parents and Grandparents Program and the Super Visa Program. 

Here are some additional tips for Indian immigrants who are interested in immigrating to Canada: 

  • Get professional help. If you are unsure about any aspect of the immigration process, it is a good idea to get professional help from a Canadian immigration lawyer. A lawyer can help you choose the right immigration program, prepare your application, and represent you in any dealings with the Canadian government. 
  • Be patient. The immigration process can be long and frustrating. It is important to be patient and to stay positive. If you are persistent, you will eventually achieve your goal of immigrating to Canada.  
  • Start planning early. The application process to immigrate in Canada can be complex and time-consuming. It is important to start planning early so that you have enough time to gather all of the required documentation and to meet all of the deadlines. 


The Canadian government has announced a number of immigration updates for 2023. These updates are designed to attract and retain skilled workers, support economic growth, and reunite families. 

Indian immigrants are well-positioned to benefit from these immigration updates. India is a major source of skilled workers, and Indian immigrants are known for their strong work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit. 

If you are an Indian citizen who is interested in immigrating to Canada, there are a number of resources available to help you. You can visit the website of the Canadian government or contact a Canadian immigration lawyer for more information.

Step-by-Step Canada Study Visa Process for Indian Students

Over the last decade, Canada has become a very attractive place for international students. It is a country with a high standard of living, low crime rates, and an average temperature that does not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. But if you plan to study in Canada on a student visa, then it is necessary to understand the process of getting a Canadian Study Visa.

Section 1: Eligibility for Canada Student Visa

You must know how to get to Canada student visa. You must be a citizen of India. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. You must have a valid passport, which is valid for at least 6 months beyond the date you intend to return to India.

You have completed your high school education (or its equivalent). The equivalent means that if you don’t have an official document showing that you graduated from high school, but can show that you took all the required courses and passed them with good grades, it will count as having graduated from high school in Canada’s eyes — even though this does not happen in India!

Section 2: General Requirements to Apply for a Canada Student Visa

To apply for a Canada Student Visa to study in canada, you must be 18 years or older. You must also have a valid passport, and if you are not currently in possession of one, then you must apply for one before applying for your student visa. Additionally, it is important that your visa does not expire while studying in Canada–if it does expire during your stay in Canada then there will be serious consequences (such as being deported) that could result due to this oversight on your part.

You will need an acceptance letter from a recognized institution of higher education in Canada that outlines exactly what program(s) they are accepting you into as well as its duration (full-time vs part-time). This letter should also include details such as tuition fees paid upfront by yourself or someone else who wishes to support your studies financially; however, keep in mind that only certain institutions qualify under these conditions so make sure beforehand whether yours does!

(Read more: How to Choose the Best College to Study in Canada)

Section 3: How to Submit an Application for a Canada Student Visa

In order to submit an application for a Canada Study Visa, you must first apply online at the “Apply Now” section of our website and make payment by credit card or debit card.

Once you have paid the required amount and filled in all necessary details, click on “Submit”.

You will then receive an email confirming that we have received your application form along with details regarding the next steps in the process (if applicable).

Section 4: Documents Needed to Submit an Application for a Canada Student Visa

Passport: Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after your intended date of return to India.

IELTS or TOEFL score (if applicable): If you are applying for postgraduate studies in Canada, you will need an IELTS or TOEFL score of 7+/- points on all 4 modules (Reading/Writing, Listening/Speaking, and Writing).

                        (Read more: A complete guide to study in Canada after 12th)

Proof of financial support: This refers to the amount that you can spend on your study in Canada without having any financial problems while studying there or returning home after completion of the education in Canada; it also includes accommodation costs during your stay in Canada as well as travel expenses within Canada while doing research work related to completing your coursework at the university where they have been accepted into its program(s). In case no proof has been submitted by parents/guardians then the applicant should submit personal bank statements showing $15000 CAD per year ($10500 CAD per semester), which needs not exceed 3 years’ worth but may include future years too until graduation from undergraduate level program(s).

Section 5: How to Pay the Required Fees for a Canada Student Visa

You can pay your Canada Student Visa fees online or at a bank, post office and airport. The following payment methods are accepted:


– Cheque (payable to “Canada High Commission”)

– Credit card (Visa/MasterCard)

(Read more: Top colleges to study MBA in Canada)


This article is an effort to provide a comprehensive overview of Canadian study visas and student visas for aspiring students of India. This article is intended for those looking for information about studying in Canada, as well as for parents who are apt to send their children to Canada for studies.

Global Tree study abroad and immigration consultants were incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. From guiding me through the visa application process to helping me choose the perfect program to study abroad, they were there every step of the way. Their expertise and knowledge of the industry made me feel confident in my decisions, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Thanks to Global Tree, I am now pursuing my dreams of studying in USA and building a future in a new country. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking to make their dreams a reality! If you’re reading Global Tree reviews to make your decision, let me tell you, they are worth every penny!

List of Fully Funded Canadian Scholarships in 2023

Whether you’re studying in Canada or are a Canadian citizen studying abroad, there are many opportunities for scholarships and grants that can help make your college education more affordable and allow you to pursue your dreams. The government of Canada offers some of the best scholarships in the world.

Top Funded Canadian Scholarships

Here is a List of Top Scholarships to Study in Canada available for only to students who are citizens or residents of Canada:

1. Wainwright Scholarship

The Wainwright Scholarship is a fully funded scholarship for international students who are interested in studying in Canada. The awards are available to students from more than 50 countries, including the United States and UK, as well as Africa and Asia. Applicants must be accepted at a Canadian university and meet the following criteria:

High academic performance

Demonstrated leadership potential

2. Andrew Carnegie Scholarship

The Andrew Carnegie Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship that covers all expenses, including room and board. It’s open to high-achieving international students who want to study at a Canadian university.

(Read more: Step-by-step guide to Apply to Study in Canada)

3. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS)

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) program is a prestigious award that provides funding for doctoral students who have demonstrated academic excellence and the ability to conduct research that advances their field of study.

The value of each Vanier CGS is $50,000 per year for up to 3 years (i.e., $150,000 in total). A student may receive only one Vanier CGS during their entire PhD program, regardless of whether they have received any other scholarships or awards from SSHRC or CIHR.

4. Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS

The Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS is for students who are study in Canada and have completed at least one year of full-time graduate studies. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in a full-time graduate program at an eligible Canadian university.

The scholarship is worth $20,000 per year for two years (maximum).

5. Queen Elizabeth II Gold Medal for Academic Achievement

The Queen Elizabeth II Gold Medal for Academic Achievement is awarded to the top student in each province or territory. The award is open to students who are graduating from high school and entering a Canadian university, college or trade school.

(Read more: Top scholarships for study in Canadian universities)

6. Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Management

The Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Management is given to a student who has demonstrated excellence in the field of nonprofit management. The award is valued at $5,000 and open to students from all over the world.


Scholarships are abundant in Canada. These scholarships can help students pay for their education and even cover living expenses. If you’re looking for a way to pay for college or university, then consider applying for one of these fully funded opportunities and also know about how to Choose the Best College to Study in Canada.

Global Tree study abroad and immigration consultants were incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. From guiding me through the visa application process to helping me choose the perfect program to study abroad, they were there every step of the way. Their expertise and knowledge of the industry made me feel confident in my decisions, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Thanks to Global Tree, I am now pursuing my dreams of studying in the USA and building a future in a new country. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking to make their dreams a reality! If you’re reading Global Tree reviews to make your decision, let me tell you, they are worth every penny!

The Essence of Educational Credential Assessment (ECA) for Express Entry in Canada

Planning to study or work in Canada? Applying for it definitely requires an Educational Credential Assessment report that evaluates the equivalency of the individual to Canadians. It is one of the most used methods before migrating to Canada. Better performance in studies or work will improve the chances of Canada immigration. To know more about the Educational Credential Assessment, read along.

Why do Express Entry Candidates Need an Educational Credential Assessment (ECA)?

Educational credential assessment (ECA) is a document required by an individual to verify that one’s bachelor’s or diploma degree is valid and equal to a Canadian one. Every person has to include it with their Express Entry application. World Education Services (WES) is a service that helps people residing inside and outside of Canada for their Canadian immigration journey.

What is Express Entry in Canada?

Express Entry is a key way to Canada immigration as skilled labour. It manages the application of skilled laborers who aim to become permanent residents of Canada. There are a few skilled worker programs managed under Express Entry. They are:

  1. Canadian Experience Class (CEC)
  2. The Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)
  3. The Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)
  4. Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).

Why Educational Credential Assessment?

An educational credential assessment (ECA) is necessary for applying for Canadian Permanent Residency. It provides opportunities and enhances the approval of the candidates through the Express entry program. 

Application for Express Entry:

The application process for Express Entry involves two steps. The first step is to submit a profile on the website of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). After submitting, candidates will receive a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score. The score is determined by various factors like the candidate’s age, language skills, work experience, and education. Every two weeks, IRCC selects candidates from the Express Entry with the highest CRS scores. Those selected will get an Invitation to Apply (ITA) for Canada PR.

How to Apply?

There are certain steps to be followed to apply for the Educational Credential Assessment. They are:

  • Apply for the Educational Credential Assessment after checking eligibility for Canada immigration. It is vital to successfully score 67 points under the immigration point’s grid.
  • Then file an application for ECA.
  • Choose a designated organization or a professional body.
  • This organization or professional body will tell about how to submit the documents to get an assessment. 
  • Make sure to submit original documents. Forging the documents will lead to the rejection of the application immediately by Immigration Officers.

[Read More: 7 steps to boost your CRS score for Canada Express Entry]

How WES Can Help With ECA?

World Education Services is one of only five IRCC-designated ECA providers. It is one of the fastest ECA providers in the country with a service of 35 Business days after receiving the receipt, reviewing, and accepting the required documents and fees. 

The high-quality academic assessment reports provided by WES are recognized by employers, licensing bodies, and higher education institutions. In Addition, WES provides services for French applicants as well.

We hope that this blog has given a clear articulation of the essence of Educational Credential Assessment for Canada Immigration.

The Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) – How does it work?

For workers who have the skills, education, and work experience to contribute to the economy of a particular country and want to live in that province or want to become permanent residents of Canada, the Provincial Nominee Program is for you.

Every Province or territory has its own stream. For Example, In a Program Stream, provinces and territories target:


-Skilled workers

-Business People

The Application Process:

The Application process depends on which Provincial Nominee Program (Canada PNP) Stream they’re applying to. There are two types of entry processes through which application takes place. They are:

  1. Non-Express Entry Process
  2. Express Entry

Every Person must pass a medical exam and get a police check no matter where they plan to live in Canada.

Non-Express Entry Process:

  • Apply to the province or territory for nomination under a Non-Express Entry Stream.
  • Meet up with the eligibility requirements of the province.
  • If nominated, apply for Permanent Residence Online. Generally, the application processing takes longer through Express Entry in Canada.

Express Entry in Canada:

         Canada Express Entry has two online ways for the application as mentioned below:

  1. Contact the province or territory and apply for a nomination under an Express Entry Stream.

If nominated by province or territory, create an Express Entry Profile and show the provinces and territories that depict the point of interest.


  • Create an Express Entry Profile and show the provinces or territories that depict the interest.

If the province or territory sends a ‘’notification of interest’’ to the account, contact them directly.

Apply to the Express Entry in Canada, if nominated by the province or territory. They will send a nomination certificate to the account and accept it electronically.

It is important to meet up with eligibility requirements of the province or territory to submit an Express Entry Profile.  

If invited to apply, submit an electronic application to IRCC.

How to Apply through Express Entry in Canada:

On November 16, 2022, they switched to the 2021 Version of the National Occupational Classification (NOC).

  • If received an invitation to apply before November 16, 2022, submit the Express Entry Application for permanent residence using the NOC 2016.
  • If not received an ITA before November 16, 2022, update the profile with NOC 2021 code to remain eligible.
  • If received a nomination Certificate invitation on or before November 16, 2022, and has a 4-digit NOC code, use the NOC Code 93888 in every NOC field of the Express Entry Profile. They’ll assess the application using the NOC 2016 code on the nomination certificate.

                (Read More: How to apply for Federal Skilled worker Program)

  • If the nomination certificate has a 5-digit NOC code, Submit the Express Entry profile using the 5-digit NOC 2021 code.

Apply for the Canada PNP Program through any one of the above entry processes which you find easier.

Canada is Allowing More International Youth to Work and Travel

Canada has a long tradition of encouraging young people from home and abroad to travel and work overseas. The Canadian government is permitting more foreign youngsters to work and travel to Canada in order to benefit from varied and empowered youth having meaningful experiences there. The Minister of Immigration, refugees, and citizenship, Sean Fraser, launched the 2023 International Experience Canada (IEC) Program which allows 20% more applicants who can apply from January 9th, 2023.

IEC is a program that enables young people from Canada and other countries to visit and work in each other’s nations. This increase means that over 90,000 individuals, especially young people of Francophone descent, will be able to work and travel in Canada, which will aid employers in filling labor shortages, including for seasonal job openings in the country’s tourism sector.

The Canadian government assists employers, notably those in the tourist sector, in filling open positions by permitting more international youngsters to work and travel in Canada. IEC aids youth in discovering other societies, cultures, and languages while also enhancing their future employment opportunities and life skills.

Fraser said: “Our government is helping more international youth to work and travel in Canada, effectively helping employers, most of those in the tourism industry, find the workers they need. By giving youth the opportunity of international travel and work experience, we are strengthening our economy and helping our businesses succeed, particularly in places like Banff that need seasonal help.”

[Read More: Canada to Welcome 500000 Immigrants Per Year by 2025]

Marci Ien, Minister for Women and Gender Equality and Youth, quoted: “International youth bring so much to our country. From building people-to-people ties to helping our businesses succeed, international youth add value to communities’ right across Canada. Today’s announcement will benefit sectors like the tourism industry, to find the workers they need to fill labor gaps all while providing youth the opportunity to explore Canadian cultures, languages, and societies.”

Through the IEC Program, Canada has youth mobility agreements with 36 nations and foreign territories that let youth for Canada Immigration from those nations for up to two years. The ages range from 18 to 35 and vary per nation

Under the program, these are the three types of participation:

  1. Participants in the Working Holiday program are given an unrestricted work visa that enables them to work virtually anywhere in the host nation in order to fund their travels.
  2. International Co-op (Internship) participants acquire a work visa that is tailored to their company, enabling them to gain specialized experience related to their subject of study.
  3. Participants in the Young Professionals program are given a work permit that is tailored to their employer so they can get professional experience that is relevant to their studies or career goals.

If you are planning to travel to Canada, now is the right time! Contact our counsellors for more information.

Check the Below Canada Immigration Videos:

Best Canada Immigration Consultants in Hyderabad

One of the most sought-after destinations for Indian immigrants is Canada. Each year, hundreds of people apply for permanent residence in Canada in order to live in a country that can provide them with a better standard of living. The ease with which one can apply for immigration to Canada is one of the primary reasons for this.

Permanent residency (PR) is a visa status that can be achieved through either the Canada Express entry or Canada PNP processes. Here is a list of requirements to apply for permanent residency in Canada in 2022.

  • You must work in Canada for a minimum of one year in a full-time job or for a part-time job that covers the same duration within the last 3 years, within the three years immediately before the date of application.
  • Your work experience can fall under any of the following categories
  • Management -NOC -O
  • Professional – NOC-A
  • Technical or Skilled Trades – B
  • Results of your language tests
  • CLB -7 for NOC O or A
  • CLB-5 for NOC B

If you are planning to immigrate to Canada, reach out to one of our Canada visa consultants in Hyderabad, who are reputed to offer a hassle-free visa application service. With an experience of 15+ years, Global Tree is one of the top Canadian immigration consultants in Hyderabad. Global Tree also achieved a 98% PR visa success rate which made the organization the most trusted Canada visa agent in Hyderabad. Global Tree’s 5 branches are located at, Begumpet, Himayat Nagar, Kukatpally, Tarnaka, and Jubilee Hills.

Global Tree provides a wide range of Canada Visa Services in Hyderabad:

  1. Canada Express Entry
  2. Canada Family Sponsorship
  3. Canada PNP Program
  4. Quebec skilled worker program
  5. Atlantic Immigration Pilot
  6. Canada Start-Up Visa

Your job hunt and the Canadian PR process will be handled entirely by our Canada migration agents in Hyderabad. Additionally, our Hyderabad-based Canada immigration consultants can review your profile, determine your eligibility, update your profile as necessary and apply.

Canada Express Entry Consultancy

Express entry is the fastest way to secure a Canada PR visa. Our PR visa specialists can advise you on the best ways to raise your CRS ratings and obtain permanent residency in Canada within 6 to 8 months.

Canada PNP Consultancy

Another option to obtain permanent residence in Canada from any Canadian province is through the Provincial Nominee Program. You can get assistance with the PNP process requirements from our Canada immigration in Hyderabad.

Check the Below Canada Immigration Videos:

Canada’s Recent Immigration Changes – Everything You Need to Know

Canada switched to the 2021 version of the National Occupational Classification (NOC) on 16th November this year. With this transition, sixteen occupations are made eligible while three occupations are made for Express Entry. Express Entry is an online system that Canada uses to manage applications for permanent residence for three programs:

  • Federal Skilled Worker Program
  • Federal Skilled Trades Program
  • Canadian Experience Class

Requirements for all three Express Entry programs which will align with the new NOC structure will now be updated. NOC 2016’s Skill Type and Skill Levels will be replaced by NOC 2021’s TEER Categories:

Skill Type/LevelTEER Category
Skill Type OTEER 0
Skill Level ATEER 1
Skill Level BTEER 2 and TEER 3

For a new Express Entry profile submission, you need to:

  • Look for your occupation under the NOC 2021 list on the Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) website.
  • When filling out your profile, submit your TEER Category and 5-digit occupation code.

If you have not been sent an invitation to apply (ITA), after submitting your profile, you need to:

  • Look for your occupation under the NOC 2021 list on the ESDC website
  • Update your profile with your and 5-digit occupation code and TEER Category

Your application must be submitted for permanent residence using NOC 2016, if you have received an ITA before 16th November 2016.

[Read More: How to Get a job in Canada from India?]

Updated NOC 2021 Express Entry Eligibility Criteria

Canadian Experience Class

Eligibility CriteriaRequirement
Language SkillsEnglish or French Skills CLB 7 for TEER 1 occupationsCLB 5 for TEER 3 occupations
Type/Level of Work ExperienceCanadian work experience in an occupation listed in at least one of these NOC TEER Categories: TEER 0TEER 1TEER 2TEER 3
Amount of Work ExperienceOne year of work experience in Canada in the last three years (either combination of full-time or part-time work)
Job OfferNot Required
EducationNot Required

Federal Skilled Worker Program

Eligibility CriteriaRequirement
Language SkillsEnglish or French skills CLB 7
Type/Level of Work ExperienceWork experience in 1 of these occupations listed under NOC TEER Categories TEER 0TEER 1TEER 2TEER 3
Amount of work experienceOne year continuous throughout the last 10 years (combination of part-time, full time or more than 1 job in your primary occupation)
Job OfferNot required. Selection criteria (FSW) points will be given to you if you have a valid job offer.
EducationSecondary education is required. More selection criteria (FSW) points will be given for your post-secondary education.

Federal Skilled Trades Program

Eligibility CriteriaRequirement
Language SkillsEnglish or French Skills CLB 5 for speaking and listeningCLB 4 for reading and writing
Type/Level of Work ExperienceHaving worked in a skilled trade in one of the key groups of TEER 2 or TEER 3
Amount of Work ExperienceTwo years in the last 5 years (either full-time or part-time work)
Job OfferRequired A valid job offer of full-time work for a minimum of a year.A certificate of qualification issued by a Canadian provincial, territorial or federal authority in that skilled trade.
EducationNot required

Canada’s government is planning to attract more immigrants and announced that it hoped to admit 1.5m new residents by 2025. If you are planning to apply for permanent residence in Canada, now is the right time. For more details regarding this, contact us!

Check the Below Videos:

Rising Job Vacancies in Ontario

Indians have always found Canada to be a great country to migrate to. In any province of Canada, theculture and people are extremely welcoming of new immigrants. Recently, the deal of moving to Canada only got sweeter because the nation requires more skilled workers and are looking for foreign workers to take up the roles. Canada put a halt to their express entry system for more than 18 months because of the Covid-19 pandemic. In October 2022, the first CSR score was released and it was an all-time low of 496.  

This is great for Indians who have moving to Canada on their cards. Everything is playing out favorably: the low CRS scores and the increased job demand. In addition to this, business groups in Ontario have said to reach out to the immigration minister with an appeal to increase the allocation for economic immigrants. This is a sure shot way of ensuring that skilled foreign workers can work in Canada.  

To get a better understanding of the demand for skilled workers, let’s take a look at the quarters of 2022, the current year. In 2022’s Q1 to Q2, the number of jobs increased to a whopping 46.5%! Subsequently, there was a 15% hike in the demand for immigrant workers. Even though the native population of Ontario is not unemployed, there is still a growing need for fresh hands on deck. Immigrants who are interested can pick and explore a lot of regions because of the spiked demand of jobs all over Canada, not just Ontario.  

[Read More: How to get a Job in Canada from India?] 

Immigrants will surely have a wonderful time in Canada. There is quality education provided and they also have free healthcare. Though the cost of living will be slightly higher, the return from the state will be totally worth the money. The weather is something that might take a while to get acclimatized to, but after one winter passing, most people get used to it. If you want to move to Canada, then hurry now and contact Global Tree.  

Check the Below Videos:

Manitoba Reduces Ranking Score for Provincial Nominee Program (PNP)

The Manitoba province in Canada decreased its Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) ranking score.  During the draw that took place on July 6th, Manitoba lowered the Express Entry ranking score to 519, its lowest point. The previous low point was 545 points and therefore the cut-off score dropped by 26 points for the Manitoba Expression of Interest pool.

Need for PNP in Manitoba Province

The province of Manitoba, which is located between Ontario and Saskatchewan, acts as an entryway to western Canada. It needed the PNP to promote itself as a top destination for skilled immigrants and Manitoba’s PNP significantly contributed to the overall growth of the province.

A point-based system called the PNP is used to assess and choose skilled people who want to immigrate to Canada. After Express Entry, the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) is the most popular route for skilled workers who want to immigrate to this country.

Through one of the three streams offered by the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP), you can immigrate to the province of Manitoba and become a permanent resident of Canada.

Expression of Interest System

Your first step in immigrating to Canada through the Manitoba Provincial  Nominee Program (MPNP) is to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI). An EOI is an online profile of yours which is added to a pool of all qualified candidates.  The MPNP then extends invitations to the pool’s leading candidates to submit their complete application.

The Expression of Interest system in Manitoba uses a special kind of points system. Candidates are given a score out of 1,000 points under this approach. As a result, this approach has little to no resemblance to the Express Entry’s Comprehensive Ranking System or the CRS. The CRS method assigns each candidate a score out of 1,200 points.

What is the Express Entry System?

The Express Entry system is meant to handle applications for the federal government’s 3 immigration categories.

202 Express Entry applicants received Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) for a provincial nomination from Manitoba on July 6. This draw was the sixth since the Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program’s introduction of the Express Entry-linked Skilled Workers Overseas sub-stream.

The following qualifications are a requirement for these particular candidates:

  • Minimum of 6 months’ worth of experience in any occupation in Manitoba
  • A close relative who has been residing in Manitoba for at least one year;
  • Past education or working experience in Manitoba;
  • Language proficiency of CLB./NCLC 5.

Also, 32 Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) were issued to skilled overseas candidates in Manitoba who scored 639 under MPNP’s Strategic Recruitment program.

This decision was made to favour quality over quantity and efficiently manage the number of applications. Though this decision may be of advantage, some predict that as a result, fewer people will apply to the program, and those who do apply will find it more difficult.

[Read More: How to Migrate to Canada through Express Entry? ]

Check the Below Manitoba PNP Videos: