Step-by-Step Canada Study Visa Process for Indian Students

Over the last decade, Canada has become a very attractive place for international students. It is a country with a high standard of living, low crime rates, and an average temperature that does not exceed 30 degrees Celsius. But if you plan to study in Canada on a student visa, then it is necessary to understand the process of getting a Canadian Study Visa.

Section 1: Eligibility for Canada Student Visa

You must know how to get to Canada student visa. You must be a citizen of India. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age. You must have a valid passport, which is valid for at least 6 months beyond the date you intend to return to India.

You have completed your high school education (or its equivalent). The equivalent means that if you don’t have an official document showing that you graduated from high school, but can show that you took all the required courses and passed them with good grades, it will count as having graduated from high school in Canada’s eyes — even though this does not happen in India!

Section 2: General Requirements to Apply for a Canada Student Visa

To apply for a Canada Student Visa to study in canada, you must be 18 years or older. You must also have a valid passport, and if you are not currently in possession of one, then you must apply for one before applying for your student visa. Additionally, it is important that your visa does not expire while studying in Canada–if it does expire during your stay in Canada then there will be serious consequences (such as being deported) that could result due to this oversight on your part.

You will need an acceptance letter from a recognized institution of higher education in Canada that outlines exactly what program(s) they are accepting you into as well as its duration (full-time vs part-time). This letter should also include details such as tuition fees paid upfront by yourself or someone else who wishes to support your studies financially; however, keep in mind that only certain institutions qualify under these conditions so make sure beforehand whether yours does!

(Read more: How to Choose the Best College to Study in Canada)

Section 3: How to Submit an Application for a Canada Student Visa

In order to submit an application for a Canada Study Visa, you must first apply online at the “Apply Now” section of our website and make payment by credit card or debit card.

Once you have paid the required amount and filled in all necessary details, click on “Submit”.

You will then receive an email confirming that we have received your application form along with details regarding the next steps in the process (if applicable).

Section 4: Documents Needed to Submit an Application for a Canada Student Visa

Passport: Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after your intended date of return to India.

IELTS or TOEFL score (if applicable): If you are applying for postgraduate studies in Canada, you will need an IELTS or TOEFL score of 7+/- points on all 4 modules (Reading/Writing, Listening/Speaking, and Writing).

                        (Read more: A complete guide to study in Canada after 12th)

Proof of financial support: This refers to the amount that you can spend on your study in Canada without having any financial problems while studying there or returning home after completion of the education in Canada; it also includes accommodation costs during your stay in Canada as well as travel expenses within Canada while doing research work related to completing your coursework at the university where they have been accepted into its program(s). In case no proof has been submitted by parents/guardians then the applicant should submit personal bank statements showing $15000 CAD per year ($10500 CAD per semester), which needs not exceed 3 years’ worth but may include future years too until graduation from undergraduate level program(s).

Section 5: How to Pay the Required Fees for a Canada Student Visa

You can pay your Canada Student Visa fees online or at a bank, post office and airport. The following payment methods are accepted:


– Cheque (payable to “Canada High Commission”)

– Credit card (Visa/MasterCard)

(Read more: Top colleges to study MBA in Canada)


This article is an effort to provide a comprehensive overview of Canadian study visas and student visas for aspiring students of India. This article is intended for those looking for information about studying in Canada, as well as for parents who are apt to send their children to Canada for studies.

Global Tree study abroad and immigration consultants were incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. From guiding me through the visa application process to helping me choose the perfect program to study abroad, they were there every step of the way. Their expertise and knowledge of the industry made me feel confident in my decisions, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Thanks to Global Tree, I am now pursuing my dreams of studying in USA and building a future in a new country. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking to make their dreams a reality! If you’re reading Global Tree reviews to make your decision, let me tell you, they are worth every penny!

List of Fully Funded Canadian Scholarships in 2023

Whether you’re studying in Canada or are a Canadian citizen studying abroad, there are many opportunities for scholarships and grants that can help make your college education more affordable and allow you to pursue your dreams. The government of Canada offers some of the best scholarships in the world.

Top Funded Canadian Scholarships

Here is a List of Top Scholarships to Study in Canada available for only to students who are citizens or residents of Canada:

1. Wainwright Scholarship

The Wainwright Scholarship is a fully funded scholarship for international students who are interested in studying in Canada. The awards are available to students from more than 50 countries, including the United States and UK, as well as Africa and Asia. Applicants must be accepted at a Canadian university and meet the following criteria:

High academic performance

Demonstrated leadership potential

2. Andrew Carnegie Scholarship

The Andrew Carnegie Scholarship is a full-tuition scholarship that covers all expenses, including room and board. It’s open to high-achieving international students who want to study at a Canadian university.

(Read more: Step-by-step guide to Apply to Study in Canada)

3. Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS)

The Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS) program is a prestigious award that provides funding for doctoral students who have demonstrated academic excellence and the ability to conduct research that advances their field of study.

The value of each Vanier CGS is $50,000 per year for up to 3 years (i.e., $150,000 in total). A student may receive only one Vanier CGS during their entire PhD program, regardless of whether they have received any other scholarships or awards from SSHRC or CIHR.

4. Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS

The Joseph-Armand Bombardier CGS is for students who are study in Canada and have completed at least one year of full-time graduate studies. To be eligible, you must be enrolled in a full-time graduate program at an eligible Canadian university.

The scholarship is worth $20,000 per year for two years (maximum).

5. Queen Elizabeth II Gold Medal for Academic Achievement

The Queen Elizabeth II Gold Medal for Academic Achievement is awarded to the top student in each province or territory. The award is open to students who are graduating from high school and entering a Canadian university, college or trade school.

(Read more: Top scholarships for study in Canadian universities)

6. Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Management

The Peter F. Drucker Award for Nonprofit Management is given to a student who has demonstrated excellence in the field of nonprofit management. The award is valued at $5,000 and open to students from all over the world.


Scholarships are abundant in Canada. These scholarships can help students pay for their education and even cover living expenses. If you’re looking for a way to pay for college or university, then consider applying for one of these fully funded opportunities and also know about how to Choose the Best College to Study in Canada.

Global Tree study abroad and immigration consultants were incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. From guiding me through the visa application process to helping me choose the perfect program to study abroad, they were there every step of the way. Their expertise and knowledge of the industry made me feel confident in my decisions, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Thanks to Global Tree, I am now pursuing my dreams of studying in the USA and building a future in a new country. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking to make their dreams a reality! If you’re reading Global Tree reviews to make your decision, let me tell you, they are worth every penny!

Top 5 Places to Visit on Canada Tourist Visa

Canada is one of the largest countries in the world, in terms of land mass, and most of that area is covered with wilderness. While the other parts are ultra-modernized, offering you the perfect blend of the conveniences of the modern world and the chance to escape into nature, whenever the mood strikes. This is one of the main attractions of the country and sends many people to consulate offices to get the coveted Canada Tourist Visa. From taking a selfie at the majestic Niagara Falls, to taking a cruise along one of its many pristine lakes, to skiing at the snow clad slopes to visiting quaint little beaches dotted along the sea-shore, there is something for every kind of traveler here.  If it is going to be your first time visiting Canada, it can be quite confusing to decide what to include in your itinerary and what to leave out. We have curated a list of the top 5 places to visit for the first time traveler

Top 5 Places to Visit on Canada Tourist Visa

Top 5 Places to Visit on Canada Tourist Visa


Calgary is the largest city in the province of Alberta, it is scenically located between the Canadian Prairies and the Canadian Rockies. it became one of Canada’s largest metropolitan areas, after the discovery of oil in its vicinity in the early 1900. It continues to attract thousands of tourists each year to the Calgary Stampede, a world-famous Old West celebration, which is held over a period of ten days in July


Ottawa, which is strategically located at the confluence of the Gatineau, Ottawa, and Rideau rivers in the province of Ontario, is the capital city of Canada, and  is home to many commercial, financial, and federal buildings, which include Parliament Hill, where every day in summer, the  ceremonial Changing of the Guard takes place. The Rideau Canal, which runs right through the centre of the city, is one of its main tourist attractions. In summer, tourists and travelers enjoy walking along its banks or boating in the waters of the canal, while come winter, the same canal magically transforms into the biggest ice skating rink in the world


Whistler Mountains in the Canadian Province Of British Columbia is a celebrity hotspot where most of Hollywood elite and royalty from around the world, descends to ski. The Whistler resort is the most famous ski resort in the North American continent. You can get here by driving from Vancouver along a beautiful scenic route, known as the Sea-to-Sky Highway. The best places to stay here are Whistler Village, Creekside and Upper Village, which are situated at the base of the Whistler mountains.

Quebec City

If you love French culture and heritage, then Quebec City should be a must-visit on your list. This charming city is the capital of the Quebec province, and is built on the lines of a medieval European village, which adds to its charm. The Vieux Quebec, the city’s historic district is one of the main attractions for tourists. One can take a walk along the streets of the Old City to visit places like the Place-Royale and the Citadel. The iconic, Chateau Frontenac, is one of the most photographed hotels in the continent.

Niagara Falls or Horseshoe Falls

No trip to Canada can be complete without a visit to the legendary Niagara Falls, which is one of the main attractions for Tourists to Canada. It is situated on the border of Canada Ontario Province and the New York state in the USA and is composed of three spectacularly beautiful waterfalls. The fall on the Canadian side, is called the Horseshoe Falls and offers the most stunning views and attractions. One of the most vantage points to view the Niagara Falls on the Ontario side is from Queen Victoria Park

For more travel tips to Canada and assistance in getting CANADA TOURIST VISA, contact us at Global Tree, the best destination of visa processing to USA, Canada, Australia, UK and many other countries from India.

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