Read US Introduces Bill to Increase Number of Green cards

Tips to know about H1B Visa Process to Green Card Holder

After a series of panic with respect to the curbing of extensions for H-1B visa, the immigrant community in USA had something to cheer about this week, as the US House of representatives saw a new bill introduced, which sought to increase the total number of Green Cards allotted by 45% each year. The bill which also, advocates a merit based system is expected to benefit highly skilled workers, many of whom are employed in the technology and ICE sectors. It is presumed that many Indian immigrants will be benefited if the bill is signed into law.

Provisions of the new bill

The new bill, which has the support of the Trump administration has been dubbed as the ‘Securing America’s Future Act’ and is expected to bring a close to the diversity visa program. The immigration levels are expected to come down from greater than 1 million to less than 300,000 each year. Though the overall number of immigrants will go down, skilled immigrants from India will have an advantage as the number of visas given under the diversity program will be drastically reduced. The diversity program is not available for Indians, and Indian’s have had to wait for many years in line for their green card on account of the diversity visa.

Indian –Americans working in Tech sector to benefit from new bill

The bill which aims to increase the number of Green Cards allotted each year, is expected to benefit skilled workers. Mainly the Indian-American workers in the technology sector are expected to be the primary beneficiaries of the new Act. These Indian workers immigrate to USA through the H-1B Visa Process. A program that allows organizations in USA to bring in highly skilled immigrant workers from all over the world to work in positions where US citizens are not available for work, either through a lack of required skill sets or lack of interest. The visa program has run into a lot of criticism in recent years as it has been alleged that many companies are using it as a route to cheap labor and are hiring immigrant workers at the cost of US citizens. Immigrants who enter the United States under an H-1B are allowed to stay for 3 years and then can apply for an extension and subsequently a Green Card. Many skilled workerson H-1B opt to apply for Green Card and are given extensions to enable to stay in USA until their Green Card gets processed. According to some estimates, nearly half a million Indian immigrants are waiting in queue for obtaining their Green Cards, many of whom have to wait for decades. The proposed increase in the same is expected to dramatically reduce the waiting period and ensure that immigrants to USA who deserve get their green cards much earlier than before.

The Act, if passed into a law is expected to benefit not only the immigrants themselves but also the US economy as, the immigrants will be able to set aside their concerns and contribute more at their jobs and to the economy.

To know more about the new bill and your prospects for immigrating to USA, Canada, Australia, UK and many other countries, contact Global Tree Overseas Education and Immigration consultants at Begumpet, HyderabadGlobal Tree boasts of its presence across India with 14 branches headed with excellent counseling team, the best Certified Immigration Consultants in India.

Merit-based Immigration System – a New Era in American Histor

Immigrate to USA through Points Based Route, to Relish Green Card!

In yet another interesting political story, US House of Representatives has been introduced with Merit-based immigration system and hike the percentage of issuing Green Cards by 45 per year. This will be 50,000 more Green Cards annually for those seeking immigration to USA.

The general route perceived by immigrants to USA

The American red carpet starts and lures from the student level, when the student plans to Study Abroad in USA with master’s program and after successful completion of education, acquires job with H1-B work permit, which allows staying in USA filing an application for Green Card. Acquiring a Green Card allows an individual to enjoy the citizenship. In other words, all the benefits of the US citizens can be relished by Green Card holders. Even those who seek employment in on site companies of USA, while rendering their services acquire H1-B, which paves a way for Green Card and immigration to USA.

Securing America’s Future Act also benefits Indian professional Techies!

Though the Trump Government is pushing towards “Securing America’s Future Act” if signed plans to reduce the immigration levels from 1.05 million to 260,000 in a year, the bill also seeks to increase the issuance of Green Cards to an impressive 45%, which sure is a sweet News for Indian Techies. Because there are unofficially 5, 00,000 of Green Card applications pending which was believed to be only Indians and if all the applications were to be included it would out number 10,00,000. The Indian immigrants occupied 2nd place as immigrants to USA, while Mexicans stand first. But those immigrants who are involved more in the professional fields such as automation, machine learning, science and technology, are mostly Indians.

If the Green Card issuing percentage is increased then the wait times for citizenship will be drastically reduced, and immigrants settle down faster and easier. Those who work as professionals, updating themselves with technology and meeting the market needs, getting along the flow, can anyhow be benefited because, America will never be ready to lose such professionals. Moreover USA is for a long time recently had been struggling with shortage of skilled workers and professional in various fields and issuing the Green Cards and inviting the immigrants to USA through points-based immigration system will potentially impact their economy positively.

H1-B work permit Visa process for USA

H1-B is a temporary work permit which allows the companies to hire workers from other nations and work in USA for a period of time. After the visa is expired the H1-B visa holders are allowed to apply for extensions if they have applied for Green Card, which allows them to stay back and work in USA. House Homeland Security Committee introduced the legislation regarding the points based immigration system in view of the benefits of Immigrants to USA as well as America.

Merit based immigration system to USA!

The points based immigration system, if the bill is signed by the House of Representatives and passed into law it takes a 5 year period for its enactment. Under this modernized immigration system, the foreign applicants are expected to acquire points, based on categories such as education, work experience, age, siblings or established connections in USA, country of origin, etc.

Immigrants to USA are being benefited!

Securing America’s Future’s Act will mostly benefit Indians, because those who seek Immigration to USA are highly qualified and skilled in different areas. But the Act eliminates other relative’s other than spouse and children from acquiring Green Card. This also gives room for temporary visa for parents and other relatives, to reunite families, without levying extra taxes.”This bill offers common-sense solutions that will finally secure our borders, better support our frontline defenders, strengthen interior enforcement, and get tough on those who break our immigration laws. With this the president at the helm, we have the opportunity to provide the security and rule of law our founding fathers intended,” said McCaul.

The legislation was said to be crafted for those abiding the law, and for those immigrants who seek to enter USA legally and also protects the interests of USA while contributing to US economy, and who can get a maximum score in the points based immigration to USA can be benefited through the program. Every bill and Act from the House of Representatives prioritizes the American people’s interests while culminating safety, security and modernization of America, which secures the generations to come.

A Complete Guide for Dependent Visa Process to USA!

Prepare for your Dependent Visa Process to United States of America!

It has been surveyed proven, researched and perceived with all the statistics and evidences that Indians are on the top list of the immigration to USA. Mexico occupied the first place for immigration to USA while India has been pushed to 2nd. The US government has provisions to allow the immigrants to bring in their families to live with them for the duration of their stay in the country. The eligibility criteria to sponsor the dependent differs for  different visa categories visa and in most cases the dependent family members are not allowed to work or earn any income during their stay in USA. In this blog we have listed a few of them for reader’s reference.

H4 Dependent Visa

A H4 Visa holder is eligible to sponsor the spouse and dependent children until 21 years of age. After 21 yearsthe H4 Dependent Visa will be no more valid and the children if desire to enter USA must apply for B2 Visa. H4 visa is issued to Dependent family members (spouse and children) of immigrants who enter USA under H1=B visa can accompany the H1-B visa holder by applying for and obtaining the H4 visa. The primary applicant is the H1-B visa holder and is required to apply on behalf of their dependents.

Eligible applicants for a dependent H4 Visa Application

The spouse and dependent children of the primary applicant who are less than 21 years of age are eligible to accompany the primary applicant on a H4 visa which is otherwise called Dependent Visa USA.

Documents required for Dependent Visa Process


  1. The H1-B Visa holder’s approval notice approved by USCIS’s copy for the proof
  2. Copy of I-129 petition
  3. Marriage Certificate if entering US as spouse, or birth certificate if entering US as son/daughter of H1-B Visa holder
  4. The Dependent Visa applicant’s passport should be valid for at least six months from the application date

Terms and Conditions for H4 Dependent Visa Process

The applicant can apply for H4 visa for his dependents along with his application for H1B. The following rules apply for staying in USA on a H4 Visa Process.

  1. Persons living on H4 cannot be employed unless they have been granted EAD (Employment Authorization Document).
  2. Persons living in USA on H4 are eligible to drive in USA and get a driver’s license
  3. They can pursue education but only restricted to short term courses. For a long term course they will need to obtain a F1 visa which is otherwise called study visa USA
  4. H4 visa holders can open bank accounts in their own name and file for a TIN (Tax Identification Number)
  5. H4 visa holders cannot get a social security number (SSN), which can be identified for H1-B Visa Holders.

L2 Dependent Visa

The L2 dependent visa is issued to Dependent family members who accompany a L1 or intracompany transfer visa holder to USA.

Eligibility Criteria for L2 Visa Application

The spouse and dependent children of the primary applicant who are less than 21 years of age are eligible to accompany the primary applicant on a L2 visa.

Terms and Conditions applicable for L2 Visa process

The applicant can apply for L2 visa for his dependents along with his application for L1. Intracompany transfer visa. The following rules apply for persons staying in USA on a L2 visa.

  1. Persons with L2 visa can undertake employment during their stay in USA.
  2. Persons living in USA on L2 are permitted to drive provided with documents.
  3. They can apply to convert their visa to other non immigrant visa types such as F1, B1, and L1.
  4. They can open bank accounts in their own name and file for a TIN (Tax Identification Number) and social security number (SSN).
  5. They can pursue higher studies during their stay in USA.

F2 Dependent Visa Process

The F2 dependent visa is granted to Dependent family members of students who are currently studying in USA on a F1 visa.

Terms and Conditions for F2 Visa holders

  1. The F2 visa holder cannot seek employment during their stay in USA.
  2. The F1 visa holder has to take care of all financial responsibility for the expenses incurred by the F2 visa holder.
  3. The F2 visa holder cannot pursue full time study while living in the US.

For more information on Dependent Visa, USA and other Visa processes, Immigration to other countries, Contact Global Tree Overseas Education and Immigration Consultants, who are certified consultants in immigration with expert counseling team. Log on to our website now to find the branch near to you because Global Tree has 14 branches across India.

Indian Professionals in USA Meet Congressional Lawmakers for Help on Green Card


Green Card to Immigrate Into US

A collaboration of more than 100 Indian Professionals working in the IT sector in USA, and who had immigrated to the country on H-1B visas, sought the attention of US lawmakers on Monday to ask for the removal of country-specific quotas for permanent residency in the United States.

The group put forward the argument that people who are highly skilled and who immigrate to USA based on their skills through the H1B Visa from countries like India are at a disadvantage as the criteria for country-specific Green Card to Immigrate into the US has resulted in huge backlogs in the Green Cards Process for them limitation resulted in massive green card backlogs for them.

Long wait for Green Card for Techies who immigrate from India

Each year, the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) processes nearly 100,000 applications for Green Card from highly-skilled and talented Indians who wish to immigrate and settle permanently in the United States. However, the number of Indians who actually successfully apply for and get a green card is less than 10,000. The green card allows its holders to reside permanently in the United States, it confers certain rights that people who immigrate on a work visa cannot enjoy and is a step closer to obtaining citizenship. The dilemma of the Indian IT professional who Immigrates to USA under an H1B Visa is that, due to country-specific green card process that favors other countries over India, Indian professionals have to endure agonizingly long wait times in order to obtain their Green cards. Very often dependent children are the ones who are most affected due to this, as on growing up they are no longer considered as dependents and if they want to continue to Study in USA, they would have to apply for an F1 Visa and pay international student fees just like anyone else. This has led to the moniker of H4 dreamers for children who have lived all their lives as dependents of parents who immigrate on H1B visa, and are facing a risk of having to move out of USA as they are no longer protected by their parent’s visas

Advocacy by Skilled Immigrants in America

The group, ‘skilled Immigrants in America’, which was established only a few months ago by a few Indian professionals in the IT sector, who were fed up of the long and agonizing wait for the green card and wanted to push for changes, has now grown to 150000 members across chapters in 25 different states.

The group president asseverated that Indian professionals who Immigrate to US are legally present in the country, one of the highest paid group, pay taxes regularly and are law-abiding residents of the country. The Indian professional’s group stated that they made tremendous positive contributions to the economic and social fabric of the United States. Adding that their voice would be heard by the Congress and a solution will be found.

The president was accompanied by more than 100 Indian IT professionals along with dependent kids traveled to Washington in order to meet with some of the top lawmakers in the United States and their aides in an awareness drive that was designed to make lawmakers aware of the issues that were confronting them, including the disastrous consequences that long wait times could have on the education of their dependent kids. Some of the dependent kids spoke about the uncertainty and plight they faced in the current scenario. They stated that while, they faced no difference as they grew up through their schooling years, at the time of under graduation when they are no longer considered as dependents they are placed at a disadvantage over students from other countries especially when pursuing careers in fields such as medicine

The representatives of the group hoped to influence the members of the Congress in a positive way and to obtain a push towards positive change for the issue. To know more about this ongoing story and for information on how you can Immigrate to USA reach out to our consultants at Global Tree, Begumpet, Hyderabad, one of the Most Trusted Immigration Consultants In India

The Unsecure Fate of H4 Dependent Spouses in USA highlighted by widow of SrinivasKuchibhotla


An Indo-American tragedy in the USA.

An Indian man and a friend who were out for a relaxing night in Olathe in Kansas on Feb. 22. SrinivasKuchibhotla and friend were drinking at a bar when they were shot at by a person named Adam Purinton in a racially motivated attack. SrinivasKuchibhotla. While his friend survived his injuries, Kuchibhotla was killed in the attack, leaving behind his young widow SunanyaDumala.

The uncertain Immigration status of Dumala

After the devastating loss of her husband, SunanyaDumala had to face the fact that her own immigration status was now uncertain. Like many other spouses of H1B workers, her visa was connected to her husband’s visa and she was not sure if she would be allowed to return to America after attending her husband’s funeral in India in February. Hearing of her immigration plight, Congressman Kevin Yoder managed to get a one-year employment authorization for her to his office. This one-year authorization would give her sufficient time for applying for an employment visa on her own. Yoder who is from the Republican Party, generally holds strict views on immigration and is against DACA and funding to sanctuary cities, but had made an exception in the case of legal immigrants like SunanyaDumala and her husband.

SunanyaDumala’s predicament not new for Indian Immigrants

The struggles that Dumala faced with her immigration status brings to light an issue that is important for the Indian-American community. She had entered US along with her husband, who came on an H1B visa, which is used by companies in the USA to bring in highly skilled workers from abroad. As the H1B is a dual intent visa, many who arrive in the US on an H1B go on to apply for a green card. However, the waiting period for permanent immigration can be painfully long as there are strict limits on the number of employment-based green cards which can be issued to each country. As a result, applicants from countries with high population rates have longer wait times. Currently, a person from India who applies under the EB2 category can expect a wait time of 10 years on an average for his green card application to be processed. Moreover, the uncertainty of USA H1B Visa Immigrants has a large impact on their spouses, who come to the US under the H4 or dependent visa.

Many of the people who come to the US under H4 Visa are highly educated women who were pursuing successful careers in their home country but are not allowed to work in the US. This abrupt change of status has led to depression, loneliness, boredom and also possible abuse. Many women who arrive in the US on an h4 visa find it difficult to cope initially. For tips on how to cope as a dependent spouse, you can check out our earlier blog post on the subject here.

Solution to the problem of delay in Green Card Applications

As for cases like Dumala, Because of the unfair backlogs in Green Card Applications, the widow of SrinivasKuchibhotla was confronted with the prospect of having to return to India because of her H4 status. As expressed by her Congressman, it was possible for her to stay, but a more permanent fix was required. He proposed a bill, HR 392, which according to him would speed up the wait times for green card for workers who are highly skilled in their field. According to Dumala, the bill would be a huge step forward. However, she said that the government needs to address the difficulties faced by families when something happens to the principal applicant. She asked that in such cases the dependents should be given their own independent immigration status. Many other advocates to have added their voices to hers in asking for more immigration reforms. A collective voice that seems to have found a hearing in the political corridors of US as many congressmen are now coming out in favor of granting employment authorization for H4 Spouses

To know more about the status of H4 spouses and how to navigate the tricky immigration policies of USA, get in touch with Global Tree based in Hyderabad, the experts on the subject of Immigration Process.

Why Immigration Matters! A look at how immigration helps the Aging in USA


A lot of opponents to immigration cite the argument of the sovereign state, where every country is expected and allowed to act in the best interests of its own people, i.e. people who are citizens of the country and then maybe to a lesser extent the legal permanent residents.

The Opposition to Immigration

Many advocates of the sovereign state theory, including President Trump, express the views that while Immigration is laudable on moralistic grounds, it should not be at the cost of citizens of the United States. In fact, many argue that the increasing number of Immigrants to America is taxing the country’s social security resources, lowering the average wages by settling to work for less and are taking away the jobs that would have otherwise gone to American Citizens and thus increasing unemployment. The opponents of welcoming policies argue that the USA as a sovereign nation is duty bound to put the interests of its own people above the interests of the immigrant by following a stricter policy. However as many pundits and experts on the issue have pointed out, immigration does less harm and more benefit to the host country

Why Immigrants are important

Global leaders and CEOs have time and again come forward to express their opinion in favor of immigration.  As recently as yesterday we had the Apple CEO, Tim Cook stating that he would encourage immigration as it would help to create more Jobs in USA, contrary to the popular myth. Prominent personalities from the business, political and cultural worlds such as Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Satya Nadella and Aziz Ansari have all spoken out in favor of more immigrants. In a recent analysis published in the Detroit Free Press[i], an American publication, journalist Mike Thompson laid out the argument for welcoming more immigrants.

According to Thompson, the people who are advocating for curbing immigration are not paying attention to the impact that reducing the immigrant population in America can have on the retirees of the country. There is a connection between the number of immigrants and retirement funding, as the benefits of social security that are enjoyed by the retired persons are funded for by the taxes of the working people.

An imbalance in the number of employed can cause problems in the retirement funding. As seen from the facts. In 1940, the ratio of employed workers to a retired person was 16 to 1, whereas that number has dropped to 3 employees to 1 retired person. The resulting gap in the funding is made up out of the Social Security trust fund for now which however is expected to be exhausted by 2032 if things remain the same.

One way according to Mike Thompson to correct this imbalance is to bring in more and not fewer immigrants into the country. He cited that immigrants are mostly young people who come into US to work and pay taxes and who contribute significantly to the economy. He speaks of immigration as a revenue stream that the USA in its current state cannot afford to lose. He reiterated that while speaking against immigration is a way to win votes in certain quarters, the economic cost of reducing immigrant population will have a higher impact on the people of US than they expected.

To know more about Immigration to USA, and how you can immigrate to US get in touch with a Global Tree, the most trusted Immigration Consultant in India.