After 4 Rejections, Indian Student Finally Gets Scholarship, Flies to USA

An Indian student has finally managed to secure a scholarship after four rejections. He is now studying in the US on a Fulbright scholarship, as per reports.

A Pune-based engineering student has made it to the US after four rejections.

You may have heard of the story of an engineering student from Pune who was rejected four times by US universities( Example: ARIZONA state university, HARVARD university) but finally made it to the country with a scholarship.

But how common are visa rejections? How do you get a visa to the US? What are the requirements for student visas and scholarships? Let’s find out!

Visa rejection is common, but there are ways to overcome it. According to an article on The Times of India, “In 2015 alone, over 1 lakh students had applied for visas through portal and only 65% succeeded in getting one.”

There are several reasons why students might not be able to secure their desired destination: lack of funds or inability to meet other criteria like English proficiency test (like IELTS, PTE and TOEFL) scores or financial status (for example if you have no money left after paying off debts). Another reason could be a lack of awareness about how much time one needs before applying for the desired course/university etc., which may result in applying too late (or too early) resulting in rejections due either way; this issue can be solved by doing research beforehand so as not waste any precious time later down the line when deadlines approach closer than expected!

“I was always confident that I would make it someday,” says Akansh Gupta.

After being rejected three times, I decided to try again. Akansh received a scholarship from a US university in December 2018 after four rejections. He is now studying at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities (UMTC) as an electrical engineering major.

What made him go for another try? Akansh was not willing to give up on his dream

If you’re a student who has been rejected by your university, don’t lose hope. You might be able to get a scholarship and study abroad. It will take some time to start your life as a student in USA.

I applied to the U.S. Department of State’s Fulbright Scholarship program, which awards grants to American citizens who want to study or teach abroad (or learn more about another country). It offers scholarships for academic research projects in the United States or abroad and professional development opportunities through teaching assistantships at American universities.

I got called by them after four rejections from other institutions! The application process was very simple; all I had to do was fill out an online form with my CV and other relevant documents such as transcripts from my previous degrees etc., followed by an interview via Skype where they asked me questions about my research proposal, why did I choose this topic etc., which lasted around half an hour at most.”


To become a successful applicant for scholarships to study in USA, you must be persistent. You might face rejection after rejection, but don’t give up! If you keep at it and apply for as many opportunities as possible, eventually one will come through for you.

Global Tree study abroad and immigration consultants were incredibly helpful throughout the entire process. From guiding me through the visa application process to helping me choose the perfect program to study abroad, they were there every step of the way. Their expertise and knowledge of the industry made me feel confident in my decisions, and I couldn’t be happier with the outcome. Thanks to Global Tree, I am now pursuing my dreams of studying in the USA and building a future in a new country. I highly recommend their services to anyone looking to make their dreams a reality! If you’re reading Global Tree reviews to make your decision, let me tell you, they are worth every penny!

Tips For Getting Your J-1 Visa from India

If you’re a student in India and want to go to the US for your higher education, then it is important that you know about the J1 Visa. The J-1 visa allows students from India to study in the US for a short period of time while they are still completing their graduation or post-graduation studies.

What is a J-1 Visa?

The J-1 visa is a non-immigrant visa issued by the U.S. Department of State. J-1 visa allows international students to study in U.S.A after 12th. Study at an academic institution and then return home with their skills enhanced by their experience in America.

The J-1 Exchange Visitor Program offers opportunities for people from other countries to enjoy America’s culture, history, and educational institutions by participating in short-term academic, professional, or cultural exchanges (up to 4 months).

How to apply for J1 Visa?

To apply for J1 Visa, you will have to go through an approved organization in India. Then, fill out the DS-160 form and pay the application fee as per your country’s rules. Once this is done, submit your application online or by mail with all required documents attached. If you want a plan to Study in USA you must know about the visa process.

After submitting all required documents and paying the necessary fees, wait until you receive a notification from us saying that your visa has been issued successfully!

(Read more: List of top universities in the USA)

Step-by-Step Guide to Getting U.S. J-1 Visa from India

  • Prepare Documents
  • You need to have the following documents ready before you apply for a J-1 visa:
  • Copy of your passport with validity not less than 6 months, and one blank page for affixing visa stamp.
  • A letter from your employer stating that they are willing to sponsor you for J-1 status in the U.S., and confirming your position with them (if applicable).
  • A Certification Letter from the ISAO stating that they will provide you with supervision during your stay in USA (if applicable).
  • Apply for J-1 Visa                              

Tips for Getting J-1 Visa from India

  • When you want to apply for a student visa you first learn the process of student visa application.
  • Make sure your application is complete and accurate.
  • Check the expiration date on your DS-2019 form.
  • Bring a copy of your DS-2019 form to the interview.
  • Complete the whole J-1 visa process before you go to India, including getting a medical examination done by an approved doctor in India (or at least within 30 days before traveling). If it’s not clear how to do this, ask the government office how they want it done–there may be different requirements depending on whether or not they’ve already approved you as eligible for J1 status!
  • If it’s not clear how long after graduation someone needs to wait before applying for another year abroad program (like Fulbright), ask them directly!
  • Plan ahead, and ask questions if you need to. It’s a lot easier to fix problems now than it is after you’ve already arrived in India!
  • If you’re not sure if your visa is valid, ask your host organization in India. They should be able to tell you if it’s okay to travel there or not. If they don’t know, call the embassy and ask them directly!

What are the requirements for getting a J1 Visa?

To obtain a J1 Visa, you must meet the following requirements:

  • A valid passport.
  • A valid J1 visa.
  • A valid DS-2019 form.
  • A valid I-20 form (or letter of acceptance from your university).

(Read more: Check your eligibility to study in USA now)


So, if you want to go for a J-1 Visa from India, then the best option is to contact us. We will help you in every step of the process and make sure that everything goes smoothly. 

Study in USA: EB-5 Vs F1 Student Visa

In today’s global economy, a degree from an American university can open doors for career advancement and international travel. But what if you’re not an American citizen? You can still study in the United States, but you’ll need to get one of two types of visas: the F1 or M1 student visa.

USA student visa:

The F1 student visa in the USA is for students who want to study at a college or university in the United States. The M1 student visa is for students who want to study at a vocational or other non-academic institution in the United States.

F1 Student Visa in the USA:

The F1 visa is a non-immigrant visa for students coming to the United States to pursue a full course of study at an academic or language institution, high school, or other secondary school in the United States. Students may also enroll in an academic or language training program that leads to a degree from an institution of higher learning. The F1 Visa allows you to enter the US and remain for as long as your status remains valid; it does not grant permanent residency or citizenship rights.

M1 Student Visa in the USA:

The M1 student visa is for people who want to study at an academic institution, vocational school, or language training program.

You must file Form I-20 (Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status) with USCIS as part of your application process.

F1 visa requirements to study in the USA:

The eligibility requirements for an F1 student visa in the USA are:

  • You must be enrolled at an accredited university or college in the United States (this can be either an accredited public or private school)
  • You must have been accepted as a full-time student by this institution, which means that they have approved your application and ensured that there is space available for you on their courses / programmes within their institution’s calendar year (September 1st – August 31st).

To study in USA, you need to apply for a student visa. There are two main types of student visas, F1 and M1.

To pursue higher studies, you need to apply for a student visa in the USA. There are two main types of student visas, F1 and M1.

F1 visas are for academic studies and M1 visas are for vocational studies. Both F1 and M1 visas are valid for one year but the validity can be extended to two years if you are studying in a university or college approved by USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services).

EB-5 Investor Visa:

The EB-5 Investor Visa is a permanent visa that allows you to live and work in the United States.

You can apply for this visa if you have invested $500,000 or more in an approved project through a U.S.-based regional center (RC).

EB-5 Visa requirements:

To obtain an EB-5 visa, you must have a minimum of $1,000,000 in investment funds. You must invest the funds in a new commercial enterprise that is located within the United States and creates at least 10 full-time jobs for U.S. citizens or lawful permanent residents (LPRs).

(Read More: F-1 student Visa to study and work in the USA)

The EB-5 investor visa is the best option for people from other countries who want to study in the United States.

If you are from another country and want to study in the United States, an EB-5 investor visa is your best option. This type of visa is permanent and not temporary like F1 student visas. With this type of visa, you can stay in America as long as you want without having to worry about renewing or extending it every year or two years like most other non-immigrant visas (like H1B). You can also apply for a Green Card after one year on an EB5 investor visa!

The only downside is that there is no guarantee that USCIS will approve your petition; however, with our help, we have a very high approval rate of 92%!

EB-5 Investor Visa vs F1 Student Visa:

If you are planning to study in the United States, then you should consider applying for an EB-5 investor visa.

The F1 student visa has strict requirements and is not easy to obtain. The EB-5 investor visa requirements are less strict than F1 student visa requirements.

Which visa is better for study in USA?

If you are from a different country, then the EB-5 investor visa is your best option for study in the USA.

The F1 student visa is not a good option for study in the US. If you are from an English-speaking country and want to study in America, then the F1 student visa is not going to help you much because it does not allow you to work on campus or off campus during your stay as a student at an accredited institution of higher learning.


Now that we have discussed the pros and cons of each visa, it’s time to decide which one is right for you. If you are considering studying in the United States, then EB-5 Investor Visa is your best option.

USA Student Visa Sponsorship-F1 Visa

Nowadays, the dream of studying in the USA has become conventional. But the question of funding for education, living expenses, and student visa sponsorship still remains a topic of discussion. This generally happens due to a lack of proper financial knowledge and guidance. So, to decipher the problem, read the article and learn how to get a US visa sponsorship, what are their requirements’, etc.

Ø  What is USA Visa Sponsorship?

USA Visa Sponsorship means that the sponsor is ready to support and help in funding the cost of living and studying in USA. A legitimate sponsor must have a strong financial back ground thereby increasing the chances of getting a US student visa.

Ø  How to find an authorized Sponsor for your studies?

 Students who wish to study in the USA universities can get their education sponsored by parents or relatives. Adequate funds are required to cover one-year tuition fees and living costs to get an F1 US student visa. Applicants can also take a loan from a bank to sponsor their education. Students can find the cost on the visa form.

Ø  Who Can Sponsor Overseas Education?

To study abroad in the USA, Parents, relatives, or banks can sponsor the education.

Ø  Prerequisites for F-1 Visa:

  • Sponsor letter
  • Affidavit of sponsorship
  • Official bank statements
  • A document describing the relation between an applicant/sponsor
  • Financial documents such as property papers, loan letters, etc.

                                                         Read More: (application process for F-1 student visa in the USA)

Ø  Financial Documents for F1 Visa:

Fixed Deposits Receipt:

A fixed Deposit receipt is a proof document of the investment that the bank gives to the investor. It contains all the details regarding the investor’s name, bank account details etc.

Solvency Letter:

It is a letter from a bank stating that the sponsor should be capable to raise funds between 25-30 lakhs for the candidates USA Student Visa. A solvency letter is a certificate issued by the bank once they verify the banking history and financial assets of the sponsor. 

Loan Approval Letter:

This is a letter to inform students about their approval of an education letter by the bank. Most of the banks send this letter to students after they get an I-20 form. If they apply for a loan from a private bank there is a possibility of receiving the Loan Approval Letter beforehand. To learn about the I-20 form in detail, approach GLOBAL TREE.

During an F1 Visa interview, there are chances of an F1 Visa officer asking financing-related questions. Make sure to be aware of each detail.

Choosing a Major or Degree for University in the USA

Choosing a major in college is an essential and influential decision in every student’s life. This topic can be tricky if you are interested and excel in multiple fields of study. One can be good at coding and designing, so the question arises whether to be a programmer or a graphic designer. Read the article to know how to choose a major to study in the USA.

How to Choose a Major or Degree at University in the USA?

Following are the points that will help you choose a major or degree in the USA:


1.    What are your abilities?

Working on the skills you are good at is always beneficial. Recognizing your abilities and talents can help you start the elimination process while choosing a major. Check your eligibility for the course in the USA. However, explore the maximum fields to decide what works best for you.

2.    What are your core beliefs?

It would be beneficial to spend your time exploring and experimenting at university. Check what aligns well with your core beliefs, which will give you work satisfaction and encourage you to perform better.

3.    Where do your interests lie?

Finding your interests is a fantastic way to determine which degree to choose in university. Working in your interested field will encourage you to learn more, subsequently contributing to your professional growth.

4.    How many opportunities does the Major/Degree have?

Though it is essential to work in your field of interest, you must check whether the area has enough opportunities available or not. If it has promising prospects, then would they work out for you? If they don’t have, then what are the alternatives? Work on these questions for better understanding. Understanding the scope and demand for the major in the USA can help you make your final choice. In addition to that, you should also check the university that offers the course. Top universities in the US have better career prospects for students in the long run.

5.    What are you passionate about?

In addition to incorporating your values and abilities into a burning, lifelong dream, passions are areas of deep interest. Choosing a major based on your passion is the best way to select one, and it generally leads to the least amount of second-guessing later on. If you’re not sure about it, don’t worry, passions can be defined later on, even after university.

[Read more: Highest Paying Jobs & Internships in the USA]

6.    What is the scope of the field in the future?

Nowadays, every career field is evolving with more or fewer opportunities. What was in demand years ago may not be in demand today. So, make sure you research future prospects and the scope of your desired field for a secured career.

7.    How much does the field pay?

Being financially secure is one of the most critical aspects of leading a comfortable life. You should check your desired major pay, the chances of growth, how much the income will come in terms of inflation, etc. Keeping these points in mind, you can judge whether the payment will be enough for you or not.

[Read more: The Most Lucrative Degrees for Study in USA]


One of the toughest decisions is finalizing a career field as your major. Hence, this article will help you take care of all the factors that matter while majoring in the USA. The USA has a vast opportunity market, but whether it has jobs for your field or not, these points will help you decide. To know more about studying, opportunities, and job prospects after Study in USA, visit Global tree.